STI check: Syphilis

STI check: Syphilis

Syphilis is a bacterial infection that infects the dick, throat or arse and then spreads to different parts of the body through the bloodstream. If left untreated syphilis can cause damage to the nerves, bones, skin, eyes, and brain.

Syphilis is usually caught by touching syphilis sores (chancres) and rashes of someone with the infection during sex. This includes giving or receiving anal or oral sex, or arse play.

Some people never develop symptoms and in others it’s easy for the early symptoms to go unnoticed. Syphilis can be infectious for up to two years.

A blood sample is taken to test for syphilis. It can take up to three months after exposure for the infection to show up in the blood. You should ask for syphilis to be included when you have your HIV tests.

Syphilis is treated with injections of antibiotics. The duration of treatment depends on the stage of infection and ranges between one and 30 days.

info: Information on syphilis and other STIs is available at
You can also sign up for a sexual health check reminder.

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