Generation L join ski trip

Generation L join ski trip

The Frosty Fruits Ski Trip will this year host the sexy sirens from Generation L, as they kick-off filming for the second season of their popular YouTube series.

Joining the other LGBT snow lovers at this year’s event, the girls will be part of the four days and three nights at Australian alpine resort, Hotham.

The Generation L crew is taking a road trip from Sydney to Hotham, to take a break from the busy city scene, explore the Victorian Alpine region, and take a moment to reflect on the things that matter.

Generation L is a reality series that goes behind-the-‘scene’ and into the private lives of a group of girl friends – who all happen to be gay.

In season two, Yas, and the ‘pussy posse’ are exploring themes such as marriage, babies, work/life balance and, of course, love.

All of these issues are framed by the politics of equality in Australia today – as such, the girls aren’t just heading to Frosty Fruits for fun, they’re on a mission to better define just what is means to be a gay woman in today’s world.

“We are very excited to have such a groovy, gorgeous and dynamic bunch of women attending this year’s event,” Frosty Fruits organiser Adam Bold said.

“We are very keen to help develop events and opportunities for the women in our community, as well as creating spaces in which we can all come together and celebrate our pride.

Frosty Fruits Ski Trip is Australia’s Gay and Lesbian Short Ski Week, running annually at Hotham Alpine Resort and produced by Points of Difference Events, a gay event company based in Sydney.

It will take place this week, from August 18-21.

The next season of Generation L will be screening in late 2011, featuring the cast’s adventures at the Frosty Fruits Ski Trip in the early episodes.

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