Gay swimming club gets Olympic coaching

Gay swimming club gets Olympic coaching

Glamourhead SharksMelbourne’s gay and lesbian swimming club the Glamourhead Sharks held a swim clinic on Sunday run by Olympic swimmers Matt Targett and Ashley Delaney, and Commonwealth Games medallist Sarah Katsoulis.

Targett helped plan the sessions, where Glamourheads members received one-on-one coaching and technique tips, along with sessions on stretching and nutrition.

“Members of the club were able to have their stroke reviewed by Olympic swimmers and be given advice on each of the four competitive strokes,” said Glamourheads member Dane McManus.

“We’ve had a lot of positive feedback from the team.”

The clinic will help prepare the team for their upcoming swim meet at the World Outgames in Antwerp next year, where 12 Glamourheads members will travel to compete against international teams.

This is the team’s third swim clinic, with each one attended by swimmers from gay teams based in Sydney and Brisbane. McManus said team members regularly attend swim clinics hosted by the other teams in those cities.

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