Canada Warns LGBT Travellers Of Risks In the US

Canada Warns LGBT Travellers Of Risks In the US
Image: Photo by Brian Kyed on Unsplash

Canada has issued a travel warning to LGBTQI travellers about the risks of visiting the United States. 

“Some states have enacted laws and policies that may affect 2SLGBTQI+ persons. Check relevant state and local laws,” the travel advisory issued by the Canadian government warned. 2S stands for two spirit, which is used by some Indigenous communities in North America for people who have both a feminine and masculine spirit in their body. 

A spokesperson for Global Affairs Canada cited anti-LGBTQI laws passed by some US states, telling CBC news that “since the beginning of 2023, certain states in the US have passed laws banning drag shows and restricting the transgender community from access to gender-affirming care and from participation in sporting events.”

Anti-LGBTQI Laws In The US

According to the LGBTQI advocacy group Human Rights Campaign, over 520 anti-LGBTQI bills have been introduced in state legislatures in the US in the past few years, including 220 that specifically target trans and non-binary persons

“There have been more anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced in state houses this year than in each of the previous five years; with the increase in LGBTQ Erasure bills, bills that strip away dozens of legal protections and rights for LGBTQ+ people, coming as the newest form of attacks on the community,” said HRC. 

In May, HRC joined NAACP, the League of United Latin American Citizens, the Florida Immigrant Coalition and Equality Florida in issuing a travel advisory for Florida. HRC referred to the anti-LGBTQI laws passed by Florida in the past few years, including its Don’t Say Gay’ laws, ban on gender-affirming care and anti-trans bathroom law. “The travel advisory outlines the devastating impacts of laws that are hostile to the LGBTQ community, HRC said.

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One response to “Canada Warns LGBT Travellers Of Risks In the US”

  1. I worry about being randomly shot up and that could happen regardless of my sexuality. Florida like so many US states has a gay-hating governor who also loves guns. I will spend my tourist dollars in countries where you don’t get shot for merely turning up to the wrong address for a social event.