Anti-gay campaigners honoured
Two of the authors of 21 Reasons Why Gender Matters, a report advocating a roll-back of GLBT rights, have been named as Men’s Health Ambassadors by Health Minister Nicola Roxon.
Fatherhood Foundation president Warwick Marsh and Lone Fathers Association president Barry Williams have been appointed to help develop a national men’s health policy.
The pair are known for their opposition to same-sex law reform, especially gay and lesbian parenting. Their report on gender accused the GLBT community of suffering a mental disorder they called gender disorientation pathology.
This is the term used to describe homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender relationships. In these and other cases, there is a major distortion or disordering of the male or female gender, and a confusion of both gender and sexuality, they stated.
Australian Coalition for Equality spokesperson Rodney Croome said that prejudice has no place in promoting public health.
“If the Federal Government is sincere about an inclusive and effective men’s health agenda it must remove these hate mongers immediately,” he said.
“We call on the Government to appoint ambassadors who can reach out to all men whose health is at risk.”
Rixon issued a statement after print time:
“I have recently become aware of comments in a document purportedly authored by two of the Government’s recently appointed Men’s Health Ambassadors, Warwick Marsh and Barry Williams,” she said.
“These comments, relating in the main to homosexuality, are unacceptable and repugnant. I firmly disagree with the views expressed.
“The document in question carries the names of 34 authors. My office is currently in discussions with both men to determine what role they played, and whether the views expressed are their own.
“I regard this as a serious matter and will consider closely the responses I receive.”
Can u believe that ‘Beyond Blue’ actually promoted a known sporting homophobe as a motiational speaker recently in gay-region Daylesford, home of Chillout?? When notified to CAN (Country Aids Network) Bendigo with a request to protest (they r the same Human Service Department), salaried management was too afraid to speak up!