Greens name Wentworth candidate
The Greens have preselected Darlinghurst local Matthew Robertson to contest the seat of Wentworth at the 2010 federal election.
Robertson, a legal researcher for the Refugee Advice and Casework Service, holds degrees in law and politics and said he is passionate about social and environmental justice issues.
“With the Liberal Party in disarray over climate change policy and the Government’s proposed carbon emission reduction targets simply not going far enough to achieve a safe climate, we are confident our message will be well received by Wentworth voters,” Robertson said.
“I am enthusiastic about offering the voters of Wentworth a true alternative. We will run a strong Greens campaign in Wentworth and send a message to the major parties that effective action on climate change is long overdue.”
Robertson is also confident of picking up votes from Labor, with support for the Greens running at 17 percent statewide in state politics.
“I think even Kevin Rudd is concerned there’s going to be a major backlash in NSW against the ALP and that is almost solely due to the poor governance we’ve seen from successive Labor state governments.”
As a member of the GLBT community, seeing marriage equality come to pass and same-sex attracted people protected from discrimination at a federal level are both high priorities for Robertson.
“I am concerned about the rights of the gay and lesbian community of Wentworth, and will work hard towards achieving equal rights.”
Robertson said the Greens were taking the contest in Wentworth very seriously.
“That’s why we’ve moved early to ensure we preselected a candidate and getting the campaign in full swing,” he said. “Wentworth is a diverse electorate and I look forward to engaging with people across the community.
“I am concerned about the extent of homelessness in the electorate and housing affordability, and will work to reduce the gap between wealthy and poor. Voting Greens in Wentworth is a vote for real action on climate change, environmental sustainability, social justice and the rights of those less advantaged.
“Any attempt by Tony Abbott’s Liberals to make it easier to reduce workers’ wages or conditions will be opposed by the Greens.”
A swing of 3.9 percent away from the Liberals could cost MP Malcolm Turnbull the seat.
The federal election must be held between August 2010 and April 2011.
It’s time that Sydney’s most progressive electorate actually elected a strong able and progressive candidate. Matthew’s the man.