Sleaze to the Maxi

Sleaze to the Maxi

After 10 years of Sleaze, coming up with an individual party outfit is starting to get a little hard. Either you have done the idea before, or someone else has done it better before. That is why a lot of showgirls and the general public rely so much on a fabulous poster. When this year’s Sleaze Ball poster was released, I almost wet my pants with excitement. So many ideas from just one fabulous poster! But it’s not just about throwing an amazing outfit together and toddling off to the party. A lot of thought needs to go into your creation, even before you hit the sewing machine.

If you usually find yourself dancing up a storm in the centre of the hall at some stage or another, one hint that I am sure we have all discovered is, no feather boas. Stupidly, one year my creation featured a huge feather boa trim, and a multi-coloured boa which I was able to swing around wildly for the whole party.

By the end of many sweaty hours of dancing, I emerged from the RHI with just a string where my multi-coloured boa once was and coloured stains all over my body. Yes, the colour from a feather boa and your body sweat really do mix very well. And a word of warning: the colour stain doesn’t come off that easily. In fact I walked around for the next week with stains all over my body.

Another consideration: it is going to be night when you enter the party and more than likely it is going to be day when you exit. Questions you need to ask: Am I going to look the same as when I entered the party? Is my outfit going to be too hot and am I going to leave looking like a drowned rat? Is my outfit going to be so small that I may as well be trying to hail a cab in the nude? (This is applicable to everyone except Dallas -“ she is always nude.) Do I need a coat to hide myself going to and from the party? How long can I dance in the shoes I have chosen?

My suggestion for additions to any fabulous party outfit are as follows. Take a jacket -“ you can wear it to and from the party and it can hide the fabulous outfit that may not look that fab in the morning. Sunglasses are a must if you intend to have a big night. Also I like to take a pair of thongs. After many hours in heels, burning the floor, you usually leave with feet that feel like they are on fire. Give them a little rest, even if it is just till you get to the next recovery.

Apart from those suggestions, all I can say, is happy creating and see you at the party.

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