Hate crimes review submissions
Last-minute submissions are being sought for a state review into hate crime.
The state Government announced last year a review to investigate whether Victoria has adequate penalties for hate crime offences, including those relating to sexuality and gender identity. Attorney-General Rob Hulls announced the review, saying it would address community concerns about violence.
“Crimes motivated by hatred for a person’s race, their sexual orientation, their disability, are totally abhorrent and ought to be dealt with by the full force of the law,” he said.
The review will be conducted by retired Supreme Court judge Geoffrey Eames.
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission is preparing a submission and is calling on anyone who has experienced harassment or other hate-motivated crime to complete a short survey to go with the submission.
Information can be provided anonymously.
The review is looking to hear from the GLBTI community.
Deadline is tomorrow, Friday, April 16.
The review finding will be presented to the Attorney-General in September.
info: Visit www.humanrightscommission.gov.au/hatecrimesurvey