New Study Finds Trans Children That Undergo Gender-Affirming Care Rarely Change Their Minds
According to a new report released Wednesday, children who undergo gender-affirming care rarely “change their minds.”
The report, published by the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP), found that 94% of young children who socially transitioned, continued to identify as that gender five years later.
Social transitioning is non-medical and can entail taking on new names, pronouns, haircuts, and clothing.
According to the report, “retransitions are infrequent. More commonly, transgender youth who socially transitioned at early ages continued to identify that way. Nonetheless, understanding retransitions is crucial for clinicians and families to help make them as smooth as possible for youth.”
Only 2.5% Re-transitioned
The report, using data from the Trans Youth Project, followed 317 children, between the ages of three and 12, from across the United States and Canada, through their gender affirmation.
After 5 years, 2.5% retransitioning to their assigned genders with 3.5% of participants identified as non-binary.
Of the 2.5% who retransitioned, 87.5% were under the age of six when they began their transition.
According to the New York Times, Princeton University psychologist Dr Kristina Olson, the report’s lead author explained, “There’s this sort of idea that the kids are going to be starting those things and that they’re going to change their minds and at least in our sample, we’re not finding that.”
In regard to the children that did retransition, a clinical psychologist at Boston College, Amy Tishelman said, “It’s just really important that kids can continue to feel like it’s OK to be fluid, to continue to explore.”
Researchers from the Trans Youth Project will continue to follow this group of children for a total of 20 years.