SA leads in gay marriage support

SA leads in gay marriage support

A new national survey has found same-sex marriage has the most support in South Australia.

The Australia SCAN survey released its results yesterday which showed South Australia had the most support with 56 percent of South Australians saying gay marriage should be encouraged, Adelaide Now reported. Only 33 percent said same-sex marriage was unacceptable while 11 percent said they were unsure.

Social commentator and market researcher David Chalke told Adelaide Now that he had been surprised by how fast gay marriage was becoming accepted in Australia.

“I did not expect that to leap up,” he said.

“I’d been watching support slowly increasing at 1 or 2 (percentage) points a year.

“Now at 41 percent, it’s (almost) equal to the detractors.”

He also said Australians were recognising different types of families.

“Family isn’t just mum, dad and kids. Family is whatever you want it to be,” he said.

Approximately 2000 Australians were interviewed across the country for the annual survey.

A Nielsen poll in November 2011 showed 62 percent of Australians supported the legalisation of same-sex marriage.

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10 responses to “SA leads in gay marriage support”

  1. Well the Senate Inquiry recieved thousands of submissions and in the end over 60% supported the change. Yes, its NOT a referendum but it shows that the parliament needs to discuss this issue and not just shelve it because “its not an important issue” as the Liberals always say

  2. Hey Leslie Johnson, you can throw in a Garden of Eden where everyone’s nude.

  3. I find this survey hard to validate, 2000 people really isn’t a large sample size and could lead to a unwanted bias that doesn’t exist (don’t get me wrong, I support same-sex marriage 100%) so I really wouldn’t take these results to heart.

  4. Francis, please run for parliament. I especially like how you can politely disagree with the argument and ideas without denigrating the person. Polititions take note!

  5. Dear Leslie

    By using the term Dr and including a reference its seems you place some importance on scienctific research methodology and the opinions of experts. Good for you!

    The problem is you need to consider the latest research because knowledge and understanding evolves, and as a psychologist I can assure you the research we now have gives us a very different picture of homosexuality and it’s normality compare to the past which was based on some very flawed methodology. I suggest you investigate it further.

    As for the opinions of ‘experts’ I would suggest that you take note on what the experts in healthy human thought and behaviour suggest. 

    Those experts would be our society’s psychiatrists and psychologists, and the vast majority have come out in support of gay marriage for the benefit of all. The American Psychiatric Association, The American Psychological Association and the Australian Psychological Society have all made formal statements in support of gay rights and same sex marriage.

    But don’t just take my word for it, read the research for yourself and see why the ‘experts’ have come to this conclusion, rather than simply having an opinion then looking for evidence (outdated an inaccurate as it is) to try and support it.

  6. Poor Leslie, so blinded by your own hatreds and bigotry! Your homophobia can be cured, dear!

  7. I’v never read anything so ridiculous, Leslie. Dr. Henry Makow is a lunatic and a conspiracy theorist, embittered by his own prejudice.

    There’s always a lot of rhetoric thrown around in the gay marriage debate, or any discussion on sexuality. But I don’t think either you, or Dr. Makow, can adequately prove that allowing gay couples to marry ‘undermines’ heterosexuality or persecutes them in any way.

  8. Can’t think of anything to say ‘leslie johnson’ ? You have to copy and paste 40 year old out-dated disproven crap. I feel so sorry for people as ignorant as you.

  9. Gay rights are wrong
    From an article written by
    Dr. Henry Makow

    Under the guise of being a persecuted minority seeking human rights, homosexual activists are actually using the state to persecute heterosexuals. They are waging successful war against heterosexuality — masculinity, femininity, marriage and the nuclear family, the sources of our identity, love and meaning.

    .…Nevertheless lesbian feminist and gay activists, by their own admission, are dedicated to recasting society in their own image. They want replace heterosexual norms with homosexual ones.
    ….Since 1970, gay-feminist activists have waged a campaign to foster homosexuality among heterosexuals. They are candid about this goal. “The end goal of the feminist revolution is the elimination of the sex distinction itself,” says Shulamith Firestone (The Dialectic of Sex, 1972, p.11)

  10. Adelaide is a very suburban city. Same-sex couples do not ‘ghetto’ in this city and are quietly visible wherever you go around town. The gay scene hardly blinks in Adelaide and I think GLBTI people are very much intergrated into the wider community. That has been my experience living and working here all of my life. Ofcourse, you can’t please everyone, especially some religious people, but I am not surprised by the survey. I like to think that the Dunstan years have continued to filter through with social justice for all citizens of South Australia.