Tennis greats blast Court
Tennis champions Billie Jean King and Martina Navratilova have slammed anti-gay comments by Australian tennis legend Margaret Court, who last week condemned the push for marriage equality, saying she wanted to “protect families”.
“Seems to me a l
ot of people have evolved as has the Bible, unfortunately Margaret Court has not,” Navratilova told TennisChannel.com
“Her myopic view is truly frightening as well as damaging to the thousands of children already living in same gender families.”
Court, who is the founder and senior pastor at Victory Life Church in Perth, has urged Australians to make a stand against same-sex marriage, saying no human law could ever change God’s divine laws.
“Politically correct education has masterfully escorted homosexuality out from behind closed doors, into the community openly and now is aggressively demanding marriage rights that are not theirs to take,” she told The West Australian last week.
Court said society was best served by strong family units that comprised a mum, dad and children and that there was no reason to put forward “alternative, unhealthy, unnatural unions” as a substitute. said.
“To dismantle this sole definition of marriage and try to legitimise what God calls abominable sexual practices that include sodomy, reveals our ignorance as to the ills that come when society is forced to accept law that violates their very own God-given nature of what is right and what is wrong.”
Openly gay US tennis champion Billie Jean King said she disagreed with Court’s position.
“The more we talk openly about issues like gay marriage, the more we learn about each other,” King said.
“It is a blessing the people of Australia can live freely and express their own opinions because we need open dialogue to help us move forward.
“We have to commit to eliminating homophobia because everyone is entitled to the same rights, opportunities and protection.”
Court has had a history of anti-gay comments, accusing lesbians of ruining women’s tennis and calling Navratilova a bad example to young players.
In 2002 she said Damir Dokic’s concern about daughter Jelena being exposed to lesbians on the circuit was “understandable” and campaiged against Western Australian laws that gave gay couples equal legal rights as de facto couples.
“I have tried to talk to Margaret, but to say she’s completely close-minded on the issue is an understatement,” Navratilova said.
“Here is hoping Australia will be on the right side of history and human rights, and become yet another democracy granting equal rights to all her citizens.”
Court turned to Christianity in 1972, and has long claimed that homosexuality is a choice, reiterating her stance last week.
“The fact that the homosexual cry is, ‘We can’t help it as we were born this way’, as the cause behind their own personal choice is cause for concern,” she said.
“Every action begins with a thought. There is a choice to be made.”
Australian doubles great Rennae Stubbs, who came out publicly in 2006, said Court’s word carried an added sting for her.
“As a young Australian tennis player, I aspired to be like Margaret Court,” Stubbs said.
“This is why it has been very difficult to understand her words of hate directed towards homosexuals.
“It is unfortunate that someone with her stature has chosen to propagate discrimination and I disagree with her comments wholeheartedly.”
Abi says:
December 13, 2011 at 8:45 pm
“Sorry Martina, point of correction – the Bible has not “evolved”. The Word of God does not change. Don’t force the issue. God’s love for everyone is not in doubt, but He hates sodomy.”
Do you even know what sodomy means? You don’t think straight men do that? You’re a fool. Of course the bible has changed over the years – get your head out of the sand. And if it hasn’t changed, why are blacks and mixed race couples allowed to marry? Hell, why are you even allowed to SPEAK and voice an opinion, woman?
Margaret Who?
right on martina & billie jean. they r gr8 ambassadors for the tennis world & it is margaret court who is a poor example. i am 100% w/martina & billie jean. they rock!!!
The Bible was written by humans, humans decided which books would be in it and which would excluded and it contradicts itself on various occasions.
The concept of sexual orientation – gay, straight or otherwise – is not in it. It’s irrelevant to my life and about as useful as a 2,000 year old medical advice book.
One can see Ms. Navratilova’s limited understanding of the Word of God by her remark that the Bible has evolved. The Word of God is the ONLY thing we have that will stand forever. It is immutable and does not follow the fashion trends and whims of fallen mankind. America will one day soon realize why our Creator was so adamantly opposed to homosexuality. It is abominable to Him because it opposes His design for a man or a woman’s natural desires, thus hindering his purpose regarding the procreation process. This is neither a political nor ethically biased statement, but the truth.
Ed: Of course you are assuming that God exists Dr John. And while you may believe he does, as is your choice, do you think it is fair to impose your choices on others?
I agree 100% with Margaret Court. The laws of the Bible cannot be changed.
It’s unfortunate someone like her would say something so stupid in public. I think anyone who would stand up for what they believe in and that’s not hurting anyone is a great model since nowadays everyone’s taught to follow the herd in their thinking…
Balance. Everything – phylosophical, physical, spiritual, artistic, EVERYTHING needs balance, defined rules. Now if heterosexuality is normal – a proper balance and a defined rule by human nature – then why should we be homo?
I have no problem with gay people. Au contraire, I don’t give a damn about gay people – get as gay as you want – but I think it’s about time we considered the implications of where this is going for the human race.
Lesbian couples can have children through medical technology, but not so for the gay ones. If every family is projected to have 2.2 children and and 1 out of 10 couples are gay men and women, we have a bit of a problem.
I’m not homphobic – I just love the world as it is, and would like to see it remain that way thank you very much.
Reading all these blogs it appears Court was right – lesbians have taken over womans tennis.
Gosh, there are an awful lot of ignorant people on this site who are just as “bigoted”, as the accused Margaret Court. Not one person has made an intelligent and accurate remark on this feature.
1) You dont chose to be gay. Those born with one too many X or Y chromozomes have no choice.
2)There is nothing “wrong”, with being gay or lesbian and if two guys or girls fall in love and wish to share a home together, go ahead.
3) To attempt to bring another human being, a child, into that union is fundamentally wrong and violates the rights of that child to be brought up with a Mum and Dad as “the ideal” even though we all know marriages can and do go wrong. The child has no choice and may not be gay itself so to introduce it to same sex relationships immediately is just warped.
4) The bible hasnt “evolved,” and that’s the tough part about Christianity: God’s laws are set in stone, are unchanging and cannot be manipulated to suit modernity. Gays or lesbians should not get married in Church as this is simply against God’s laws which are sacrosanct. By all means, wed in a registry office but to do so in a Church is simpply audacious and we have no right to do that.
5) Finally, as a lesbian Christian, I know Christ loves all of sorts of people (even murderers whom he cries out for) and isn’t against my being gay. However, I wouldnt dream of getting married to my partner in a church or trying to bring a child into my union; Christ and I have too much respect for each other to do that.
Sorry Martina, point of correction – the Bible has not “evolved”. The Word of God does not change. Don’t force the issue. God’s love for everyone is not in doubt, but He hates sodomy.
Margaret Court. LOL that homo-hating bitch. Just ignore her. She needs to evolve and openly welcome homosexuality as more and more open minded people already are.
Yes homosexuality occurs in the wild but for Christians its condemned. Many species go about having intercourse with anyone they see but for Christians fornication is condemned. Why the big deal in relation to homosexuality? Why so many fanatical gays today?
Wow Margret, you found us out, it’s a choice. Actually we’d all rather have opposite sex partners, but you know it’s kind of fun to choose one of the same sex. It’s particularly fun when you’re a teenager, as is topping yourself when the taunts and bullying get too much to bear. You really are an astute judge of human nature, nice one, Madge!
What struck me about Margaret Court’s comments was the hypocrisy on the subject of societal and religious change and the talk of “choice”.
Firstly, she believes that allowing gay marriage would ruin society yet she assumes the right to set up her own church, an act which would have been considered heresy in another age (and probably punished by death). So her brand of religious change is good, but any other is evil?
Secondly, any time someone claims that people choose to be gay makes me question whether that person has homosexual leanings but has chosen not to act on them, and by extension believes that if she can resist her natural inclinations, then so should the rest of us. Surely if you are 100% heterosexual, it would never occur to you that you could choose to be anything other than is your natural inclination.
People who choose to believe whatever is in their version of the bible over scientific fact are ignorant and closed-minded. It has been shown that many species practice gay sex (can’t exactly call it homosexual if they are homo sapiens…). It is truly a natural occurrence. See http://www.news-medical.net/news/2006/10/23/20718.aspx, or simply google “homosexuality in animals” or something similar.
Marriage is a man-made legal contract. It may or may not be a religious ceremony. Why would allowing same-gender marriage affect that? How would that “dilute” anything? Isn’t the vow you make to your mate what matters? In my view, allowing same-gender marriage will only strengthen marriage. It promotes stronger unions and families by attaching that legal contractual relationship.
To McPoop–Despite your claim of being a bisexual with a logical thought process, I feel I should point out a couple flaws in your reasoning. First, marriage as a government granted institution is a form of contract, and contracts require voluntary consent by persons who can give such consent. Thus, bestial marriages, incestuous marriage, marriage of adults to children, etc. would not be allowed simply because of gay marriage. Polygamous marriages need not fall within a marriage definition if it’s viewed as an exclusive contract (limiting it to two persons), but that’s not relevant to the gay marriage issue at all. Second, separate but equal is not a supportable legal position. Separation is not only inherently unequal, but substantive equality requires looking at intangible differences as well. For example, the isolating and stigmatizing affects of not being granted access to “marriage” is itself not substantive equality. More practically, you’d be creating marriage classes that could then be used to further private discrimination. Your concern for the devaluation of marriage demonstrates that you want homosexuals admitted to a lesser marriage form, even if in name only. Third, you speak about marriage as a privilege and not a right. However, the distinction is specious. We are born with rights, and the purpose of constitutions and laws is to enumerate the ways in which government cannot infringe on our rights or the ways in which we are not allowed to infringe on the rights of each other. Privileges are earned. If marriage is a civil right (as it is in the U.S.), then we are born with that civil right and government can’t take it away unless our exercise of that right harms another. If marriage is a privilege, then the *only* distinction between you and your partner and a gay couple is an immutable characteristic fundamental to your nature. Courts have never supported distinguishing access to a privilege solely on such basis.
Love when these religious nut jobs go on about being gay is a choice. If that is the case so is being hetrosexual. So over these arguments just give us gay marriage it will not hurt marriage it will enhance it
‘who’s the real bigot?’, not even a Christian name, sweetie? Very brave of you standing up for Christ! Just a little quote for you , darling!
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike Christ.” Gandhi.
Sums it all up really!
Court trots out the tired old argument of homosexuality being a choice. Even it is was (and I don’t agree it is a choice like buying apples or oranges), why is it so wrong? Belonging to a Christian religious group is definitely a choice but only bigots such as Islamic fundamentalists call that the wrong choice.
The only way same-sex marriage could impinge on people like Court’s freedom would be to force her into such a marriage. And I don’t think too many lesbians are beating a path to her door in order to propose.
for believers: finally the body of christ is taking their other foot out of the old covenant and are putting alongside the one in the new, realizing that we have died to the law, which gives no life, and are now resurrected in christ who is and gives life.
being gay is as much of that life as being heterosexual.
but change does not happen overnight, we have only to look at the religous and secular revolutions of the past to understand that.
I applaud you Margaret Court. You have shown courage to speak out. DD (comment 5) says that leaders speak out against gay rights and not religion…WRONG DD. Margaret Court is simply expressing biblical truth. You may not like it or agree with it…that is your right. But she also has the right to speak what she believes. Or are you a bigot and discriminator?
As an ex-tennis coach, i started playing when I was 5 and Margaret was one of my heros — until this news came out.
I’m saddened to have lost an idol. Even sadder that I myself never judged this person as a straight woman – i admired her for her unmatched achievements for women’s tennis. Pity she couldn’t return the same respect to gay players.
Margaret… can’t believe I’m saying this – but go to hell you filthy swine.
Not that I agree with her standpoint, I’m all for the freedom of an individual but seriously I’m planning on getting married soon and really think the state of marriage be preserved the way it has always been. Why not implement something else to allow same sex couples equal rights as married couples instead? Altering the definition of a marriage de-values what it means to be married. It’s not a human right to be married but a priveledge, for example if enough people screamed about not being able to marry different species or multiple partners should this mean the law must be changed to allow marriages to accommodate this? I think not and this issue is no exception, marriage is what it is and I’m happy with it that way :) I’m not religious, but I am bisexual – and just someone who happens to have a logical thought process.
Pleased that Martina and Billie Jean have replied. It is a fact that religious fundamentalists are extremists and in many cases terrorists! You don’t have to to do physical acts of violence to be a terrorist! I would say that the results of what religious fundamentalists ‘say’ does psychological damage on a massive scale, to many innocent victims around the world. Unfortunately, our Governments continue to support religious extremists over the secular majority. This has to change and will be changed! The fundamentalists may stop Marriage Equality for the time being, but what they won’t be able to stop is going to be a huge public backlash against them! There are many unanswered questions about religious organisations, how they operate , how they are funded, what taxes do they pay etc. etc. etc. I see many cases going to the High Court and if the Federal Government whether Labor of Liberal think that they can support religious extremists over the secular, free-thinking majority of Australians, then the ‘old parties’ will have to go! Simple as that!
It takes an incredibly huge ego to ‘assume’ the role of spokesperson for a church (and let’s remember that it’s church leaders,and NOT religion that argues against gay rights). Perhaps someone can send Margaret Court the recent inspiring human rights address by Hilary Clinton who cleverly argued and dismissed any argument (religious or otherwise) that aims to perpetrate hatred of minority groups. Gay rights come under the greater banner of Human rights.
Someone needs to jam a tennis racquet up this repressed bitches backside. I’ll SHOW her sodomy!
Of course Ms Court fails to mention that ” religious ” organisations have harbored predators of children for centuries and still continue to do so.
One would suggest that these ” religious ” organisations firstly get their own houses in order before passing judgement on others .
Fanatically religious people are the worst, as they have a very distorted view of the world in general and we all get very concerned when a person of international recognition ” founds ” a church based on the teachings of which bible and then pontificates her own personal views based on long ago beliefs that are not relevant today.
What children really need is protection from religious fanatics who go so far as appoint themselves head of their own churches (what an ego).
Get a life bitch! Stop playing marriage cop!
Cheers, Joe Mustich, CT USA
Marriage Officiant & Justice of the Peace
Onward to full civil and marriage equality rights now.
Period. Case closed.