VAC/GMHC call for input

VAC/GMHC call for input

The future direction of the Victorian AIDS Council and Gay Men’s Health Centre is open for discussion as the two organisations call for the community’s suggestions.

People can have their say in person, on Facebook or in an online survey.

July 2013 marks 30 years of service for the VAC/GMHC which will use the consultation to ensure they are meeting the community’s needs for the next five years.

The general public is invited to have their say on Thursday, May 10, 6.30pm at the State Library. Members and volunteers will meet at the State Library on Monday, May 7, 6.30pm.

People can post their thoughts on the VAC/GMHC Facebook page or visit the online survey which takes no more than 20 minutes fill out.

The survey closes on May 15.


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One response to “VAC/GMHC call for input”

  1. Stop calling yourselves the Aids councils of anywhere ,and form an LGBTIQAPC Assoaiation that helps peolpe come to terms with issues pertaining to sexuality !

    and leave the Hiv\Aids community so it can get the best health care available ,the “H’ in HIV means HUMAN,not homosexual stupids!

    The funds granted to the AC ,Aids Councils are for the INCLUSIVE HUMAN COMMUNITY irrespective to any reference to sexual orientation.

    So if the LGBTIQAPC hijackers of ‘Human disease control and treatment ‘note word HUMAN .Inclusive .Instead of LGBTIQAPC Exclusive of Bisexuals and hetrosexuals .

    BTW,25years into the Aids epidemic and still not a sigle Aids council in Australia has ever had a specific BISEXUAL Service for anything !?


    Makes no scense from a MEDICAL and COMMUNITY HEALTH perspective only from a LGBTIQAPC exclusive perspective .

    So go lobby for ‘Gay and Lesbian “Marriage or “Gay and Lesbian health” and build your own associations and Councils and stop stealing resourses earmarked FOR THE HIV\AIDS Equality community .

    25 years in and the bisexual community still is ignored and the hetrosexual hiv\Aids comuunity openly persecuted and discriminated against by the Aids Councils of Australia.

    the “H” in Hiv means HUMAN ,not LGBTIQAPC gravy train stupids!@ ACON.

    The gravy train has stopped ,the penny will drop one way or another.