POLL: Courier-Mail controversy

POLL: Courier-Mail controversy

QUEENSLAND’S Courier Mail newspaper has been accused of “sickening” transphobic sensationalism and faced a deluge of criticism following today’s front page and their reporting on the death of a Brisbane trans woman.

The story of 27-year-old Mayang Prasetyo’s alleged murder by her partner Marcus Volke in the inner-Brisbane suburb of Teneriffe shocked the country as gruesome details of her death, and Volke’s suicide after he fled the police, were revealed yesterday.

Police have not yet confirmed the identity of Prasetyo but friends and family of the cabaret performer — who also earned an income as a sex worker to support her family back in Indonesia — have expressed their grief on social media | Read the full article here


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76 responses to “POLL: Courier-Mail controversy”

  1. Hell yeah! Just shows what little the straight world think about transgendered people.
    Fine them, public apology… nah public flogging in Fortitude Valley mall.

  2. This poor pathetic journalism make my whole self feel sick. The person responsible for this should be removed from his role and reeducated because there has to a be a level of respect for people and this fool clearly didn’t care who he hurt by publishing this absolute snot! I am so angry it makes my blood boil!

  3. suppose too help people and sent a true message out there not make a another issues and make it big suppose too fix it solve it not make another problem now courier mail watch out now who and how many people want too read your paper can you be trusted fix it now before its to late

  4. I was horrified. Transgender people have enough to deal with and it is known that many transgender women suffer violent relationships. But on top of that the guy was obviously not well and this is Mental Health week. Whatever editor allowed this to go to print needs to be dealt with. Infuriating.

    • couldn’t agree more !! I live in London now & I first read this in the Independent today , & it was only when I saw the story in in another newspaper (probably something terrible like The Daily Mail) that they mentioned that the poor victim was a trans woman.. How The Daily Mail, or whoever it was , thinks that that info was relevant is beyond me.

  5. No, Carmen Carerra only came out a couple of months ago saying the phrase was discriminatory. Even rupaul said it. How is the courier mail supposed to be that LGBT forward? Could have chosen a less tacky new line though…

  6. Absolutely disgusting journalism. Channel 10 news tonight were no better by describing her as “his transgender wife”… She was his wife… totally unnecessary to use transgender in the description.
    Any other wife on any other news story would only ever be described as “wife” and she should have been given the same respect.
    She was a beautiful girl that deserves to be shown and treated with nothing but respect and dignity in the light of this tragedy… She has a family grieving over the sudden loss of her life, the media need to pull their head in and remember that.

  7. They should do more than apologise. This piece of toilet paper masquerading as a newspaper should cease operation. As well as proceeds going to transexual awareness they should be paying for the grief counselling of her loved ones.

  8. Yes…yes…yes… Fined ..both the writer and editor should be fined a week or more in wages which gets donated to a TRANS or LGBT organisation …. Plus a front page apology with their pictures…. And even maybe a course on acceptance??

  9. Why do so many trans women end up doing sex work in the first place. We are touted as freaks and sub human yet there is a steady stream of men lining up to fuck us as some kind of test for their confused sexuality issues. It’s so hard to get a job as a trans woman let alone find a loving partner. She advertised herself as exactly what society deems a fitting term and role for freaks like us. Aside from this fact of life this grubby publication is disrespectful and sensationalist to the point of cheerleading a scum bag who murdered her. I’m surprised they didn’t try to suggest she was also a pedophile as well.