Melbourne Queer Games Festival Open For Submissions

The seventh annual Melbourne Queer Games Festival will be held this October, and the next game they want to showcase is your new favourite!
Calling from submissions for all over the world, the volunteer team behind the Queer branch of Creative Victoria‘s Melbourne International Games Week are encouraging gaymers everywhere to contact the developers of their favourite LGBTQIA+ indie games and encourage them to apply.
The Emerging Developer Prize this year is $500 USD, provided by Minoh Workshop, which will go to the best early career developer, although age does define eligibility!
Melbourne Queer Games Festival advocates for local gayming talent
The Star Observer spoke with Luke from the MQGF about what makes the festival unique and how it enriches the community by celebrating up-and-coming LGBTQIA+ game designers and games.
“As queer people we have to create that space ourselves,” Luke says.
“Even if you’re not into games, even just reading through the descriptions of the entries can be illuminating — funny, poignant and insightful.”
Last year’s best entrants were celebrated in a showcase which has been made available online for prospective entrants and the general public to enjoy – you may find your newest obsession in the carefully curated list of TTRPGs, dating sims, visual novels and everything in-between.
The MQGF team say they are deeply proud of the range of games their festival celebrates.
“I think queer games are under-appreciated for just how forward looking they are. We get a lot of autobiographical games, a lot of games set in contemporary times, even games that try to leave you feeling better. These are trends and ideas that are way ahead of mainstream gaming,” says Luke.
Play all the games of the rainbow
For a taste of the range of games on offer check out Stand Up by Rae White, a game about “being trans; about finding small joys and knowing you are loved” or the cheeky RPG about pop icon Britney Spears, If U Seek Amy, by Rafiki, or why not even try Yuki’s Palpating, Passionate, Phenomenal and quite frankly Proficient quest For a (hot) girlfriend!!!?
Or go for gold with the 2023 winners:
- Please Be Happy by Arimia (gold)
- Funny Walk – You’re So Tense!! by Vi (silver)
- It Started With Hairs by SuperBiasedGary (equal bronze
- two men go on a date and don’t fall in love by littlerat (equal bronze)
- or Sporal by Mimosa Echard (technical prize).
Now it’s your turn
If you’re a developer with a game featuring queer themes, characters, visuals, gameplay, experiences or even a queer worldview, that has been designed or significantly updated since January 1 2023, submit your game here for your chance to become part of the legacy of local queer games!
Make sure you submit before August 23, or get planning on your new game or significant updates to an existing game for the eight annual MQGF in 2025!