Hep C concerns for HIV positive men
An Australian expert has called for an urgent rethink on the relationship between HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) as emerging evidence shows hepatitis C can be sexually transmitted between HIV-positive men.
It is estimated up to 30 percent of HIV positive men will also have HCV.
Royal Melbourne and Alfred hospitals Associate Professor Joe Sasadeusz said sexual transmission of HCV in HIV-positive men who have sex with men had been increasingly reported in several case series during the past decade.
He urged education for at-risk communities and the development and promotion of effective prevention strategies.
While sharing injecting drug equipment is the main cause of transmission, HCV transmission in the absence of injecting drug use was an emerging problem for HIV-positive men who had sex with men.
“There is an urgent need for education of the at-risk community and to develop and promote effective prevention strategies to this population,” he said.