New song mistress to introduce BDSM

New song mistress to introduce BDSM

The Australasian Gay and Lesbian Choir has a new choir mistress. Claire King steps into the role, with an exciting set of plans to further progress the choir in its musical ambitions.

Currently completing her Diploma of Education in Music, King is juggling full-time study, working as a private music teacher, as well as teaching music in the prison system and caring for an eight-year-old child. The fact that she has energy to attend a choral recital, let alone lead one, is a testament to her passion for the choir.

It’s full-on, King says, in a surprisingly chipper voice. But I love it. Even when I’m really tired I always leave feeling really pumped. Something just magical happens in that room.

Coming in to inspire the singers with her own BDSM approach to vocal coaching -“ that is, by encouraging Balance, Discipline, Synchronicity and Musicality -“ King has a range of plans to invigorate the choir and increase their exposure.

It’s really exciting taking on this position. They’re such a great group of people to work with, King said.

There are a few people in the group who are writing their own stuff. So I want to organise doing some recordings of their music, and I’ve also got some friends who work as documentary film makers and I would love to get them to film the entire process as we record, and maybe even one of the performances.

The Choir rehearses every Thursday at the Lesser Hall, North Perth, every Thursday from 7pm.

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