

I am deeply concerned that the advert for Homovember in Southern Star Observer (issue 155) and its subsequent use as a picture in two news articles online depicts successful suicide to a community known to have an excessive rate of suicide.

The federal Government’s guidelines Mindframe, Reporting Mental Illness and Suicide, indicate that research shows that such depictions may lead to ‘copycat’ attempts by those who are vulnerable, or may encourage them to see suicide as an acceptable way of dealing with a problem.

The image of the feet of someone who has suicided, tells mentally unwell GLBTI people that other people feel like them, but they have suicide. Unfortunately, this depiction was in the context of perceived neglect of our community by Movember and beyondblue; such perception of neglect tends to drain hope all by itself.

Coming on the eve of Mental Health Week we need to know the future is in understanding hands and I believe the Star can lead the way. I call on all community organisations, media, advertisers, activists and individuals alike to affirm the principles of Mindframe, to join the StigmaWatch program of SANE Australia and to institute a pro-mental health policy. First do no more harm.

Eric Glare
St Kilda

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3 responses to “Homovember”

  1. Let me make it very clear that I believe Kennett should have gone a long time ago and we should have a hard hitting campaign against beyondblue. I think a different image could have been just as effective such as rainbow colours over tombstones at a cemetery, a coffin, morgue frig doors with tags or a body in a body bag but no feet showing. I think these are confronting but not as personal and therefor not as disturbing to my psyche.

  2. We show the results of other war crimes on television, so I have no problem with this. What do people think Mr Kennett is up to saying employing a bisexual man is like employing a child sex offender, or using the newspaper and Beyondblue to back himself up?

    The advert showed no suicide to copy, and having seen in my country area an increase in youth suicide amongst gay youth, it is time the results of hate crimes are shown to all and not hidden.