Be prepared

Be prepared

It’s not Mardi Gras till you see a bra-line burnt into a drag queen from Fair Day, as many fully grown men progress through the festival with lovely sundress marks and plunging necklines.
As the silliness is now around us, what as a showgirl should you have pre-prepared? I’ve put together a basic survival list for showgirls, to hopefully help them through a very busy schedule.
Something I swear about and find myself swearing a little when others haven’t been introduced to it — deodorant, a simple thing that brings joy to many. Many times I’ve stumbled on a new showgirl who had a strong odour of wet dog, sausage rolls and feet, all rolled in one huge package. I usually have one deodorant in the house and a smaller roll-on in my handbag, with a strong lady fragrance handy at all times.
I also take safety pins everywhere I go. Squeezing into a shape that is quite unnatural, the body can go a little sideways, upwards and out sometimes. At times I have been completely held together with safety pins up one side.
For outdoor glamour, sunscreen is a must. I choose a spray oilless screen. That way, if you need to apply, you don’t turn yourself into a pretzel trying to rub it into your back. Re-apply as much as possible to avoid those embarrassing lines.
I also throw a fan into my handbag at all times. Being done up like a Christmas turkey can really heat you up, even in the coolest of climates. You may even find yourself with a sexy man helping you with a little fanning.
As for everything else, I usually have a spare ready to go at home. Eyelashes, hairspray, shoes, boobs and makeup all ready to go. I think it’s the Boy Scout coming out of me……
When going to a party, I have an alternate outfit organised. This may be something that has been worn before and you looked fabulous in, or just something comfortable. When the glitter starts to fly, you need to be prepared for everything that may come up, and to breeze in and change costume could be the perfect answer.
I hope this Mardi Gras parade is as fabulous as you are. I will be at the BGF Glamstand for a big kiss and wave as you go by.
Happy Mardi Gras.
Love, Maxi, xxx.

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