Purple pride for Mardi Gras

Purple pride for Mardi Gras

Youth advocacy group Wear it Purple is gearing up for its second Sydney Mardi Gras float entry.

“Mardi Gras in Sydney is one of the biggest celebration of rainbow people in the world – we don’t want young people to miss out on that,” spokesperson Brenna Harding said.

“Marching down Oxford St with 80,000 people cheering you in support is just the best. Marching is the way to experience the parade – and to stand up to have your voice heard on the issues facing rainbow youth.”

The float is being supervised by a team of adults, but will be made up mainly by young people under the age of 18, all of whom will need a signed permission note to participate.

Parents, relatives and friends of rainbow young people are invited to join the float.

“Our theme this year is one we have been working with for a while; you have the right to be proud of who you are,” Harding said.

“Maybe it isn’t very catchy, but those words mean a lot for young people who can’t always just be themselves. Schools often pressure young people into being something they are not and we won’t stand for that.”

The group will meet on January 19 to create banners for use in the parade, and to meet before the event.

Marching is free. No maximum or minimum age limit applies for participants.

Young people wishing to participate in the float are encouraged to connect with the group’s Facebook, or their website www.wearitpurple.org/mg and follow the links.

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