Activists Call For Donald Trump Jr To Be Banned From Entering Australia

Activists Call For Donald Trump Jr To Be Banned From Entering Australia
Image: Donald Trump Junior's set to tour Australia, much to the dismay of the LGBTQ+ community. Image: Donald Trump Junior/Facebook

More activists have joined the call for the Australian government to ban Donald Trump Junior from entering Australia for his upcoming tour with Nigel Farage, fearing his right-wing, anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric will encourage neo-Nazis and other anti-LGBTQ+ groups to attend.

Donald Trump Jr and his family have been vocal about their hatred for the LGBTQ+ community throughout the years, with the former US President even banning qualified transgender people from serving in the military.

Junior Trump’s War Against The Trans Community

Trump Jr’s past actions against the LGBTQ+ community include mocking transgendered people stating that there was “9,276 genders. I can’t list them all,” as well as attacking trans women in sports, stating that it is “a disservice to all the hardworking young women who have fought to get to where they are.”

He’s also previously stated that the only reason that the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg obtained his position was because “he’s the gay guy, so we gotta give him something, let’s make him Transportation Secretary.”

Standing Against Him

With his tour in Australia drawing closer, online petitions have started and activist groups are planning protests against Trump Jr. Activists from the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF) announced their plans to protest in Melbourne on 11th July.

One of the protest organisers, Omar Hassan has said that the protest is to stand against Trump Jr’s “white supremacy, transphobia and misogyny.”

“Donald Trump Junior is a far-right agitator who spreads bigotry wherever he goes. His visit is likely to be a magnet for far right and neo-nazi groups across Melbourne, so we will be there in numbers to send the message that people here reject and despise everything they stand for,” Hassan said.

“Trump Junior is a prominent far-right spokesperson, famous for his aggressive racist and transphobic campaigning.”

Trump Jr’s tour has been organised by Turning Point Australia which is a subsidiary of the US group of the same name. He’ll be joined on his tour by Nigel Farage and South Australian Senator, Alex Antic.

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30 responses to “Activists Call For Donald Trump Jr To Be Banned From Entering Australia”

  1. From what I have observed in the last three years is this person should not be
    granted a visa to enter our country to spew his bullshit and defend what his
    criminal father has been proven to have done for many years.
    He is an absolute moron and only wants to spew his conspiracy theories
    and stir up the radical right wing people who are in our country.
    We have seen what this complete idiot has said on social media and I for one
    will not not vote for Labour ever again if they allow this moron into our
    The federal government should not allow him in under any circumstances.

  2. I am certainly not an activist but I have been watching the US circus for years now and I’m totally against it entering our borders.
    It’s bad enough that I find some friends were initially sympathetic with the t**** line of thinking and now it is just complete nonsense. Certainly nothing that Australians should be drawn into by this cruel killer of any animal that moves and his makeup explosion Mrs.

  3. What a blow having this bigot in Australia! It’s bad enough having Trump spreading lies, to stir up supporters to cause mayhem, with the possibility of staring a Civil War if he doesn’t get his way, like the next Presidency. His popularity could have been increased with him giving farmers Gov money when the US had problems with China – even though the US doesn’t go for government payouts, as that’s Socialism/communism, but subsidies are different??? – hmm!

    He should be banned from entering our country to stir up lies and bull shit to stir up support to cause anger and mistrust as did Trump has been doing!

  4. Free speech is one thing, but from an individual or group that spews HATE, Racism, Transphobia & homophobia we can do without.
    Other racists & homophobes have been banned in the past, why can’t The Trumps. (& Farage for that matter)

  5. NO, NO, NO!!!!

    This idiot is a cokehead at the least, a LYING PIECE OF FILTH AT BEST, and does NOT belong in OUR Australia. Leave the USA cesspool in the USA where it belongs!


  6. Donald Trump, Jr. (“DJTJ”) would only be here in Australia to foment hate and intolerance, as well as fundraising for his twice-impeached, twice-indicted grifter of a father. Why allow him into Australia to raise funds for their nefarious deeds?

  7. In a world where the antics of the Trump family are seriously threatening democracy and there is a real potential that the US society will disintegrate into a mish mash of lies, fraud, community division, discrimination, racism and selfish anarchy, do we really want to have someone who is the leader of the race to the bottom, and who has shown himself to be dishonest, hate mongering, bigoted and potentially a criminal to come and try to spread his lies and far right wing disrespect for society to us. NO he is not welcome and NO he should not be given the platform to make money out of our country.

  8. Australia will be forever sorry if you allow the son of grifter Donald Trump in your country. His message is evil and meant to bring funds into his pockets. He is a criminal in the United States.

    Ban him from entry. He’s psrtnof the Fascists movement in our country.

  9. “An honest family in politics”? Do you really believe that? Do you really believe that the family which invented “Fake News”” (For “Fake” read Dishonest or Lies) is an Honest Family?
    Of course whilst Australia has Racist, Xenophobic, Bigoted shits, and they are there in numbers in both the ALP, the Liberals and Nationals – for why else do they hold innocent, desperate, frightened men in isolation and Off-shore Detention – this latter created by the ALP – the chances that this every bit as bigoted, racist xenophobic piece of shit will be allowed into Australia. Look at how they allowed that English **** in to spread her Hatred.
    Have a look at the Trumps! Old fake carrot-top Donald really is the Lowest of the Low, a scumbag for rather than attacking his Political opponent over his perceived failures, he attacks his opponent’s Adult son! As here in Australia, when we turn 18 we are regarded as being Adult, we are held responsible for all of our actions, our parents are not. Joe Biden’s son is a recovering drug-addict, he failed to pay his Tax obligations for 2 years but he was already classed as an Adult when he became an addict and failed to lodge those Tax Returns. The Trumps, when they are not being Racist, Xenophobic Bigots, spend most of their time trying to hide their Tax returns.
    What is the purpose of this visit by Don Trump Jr.? Who invited him?
    Our neo-Nazi, neo-Fascist politicians will do nothing. They will welcome him with open arms.

  10. So if you don’t like someone you ban them…just like Hitler, Stalin and the Chinese Communists did and still do. As a free speech advocate I believe in what Voltaire said “I may not agree with what you say but I will fight for the right for you to say it”, It is only if we have a free and open society that democracy triumphs but I think that young Gays who do not know how Gays in the past fought to be heard are only too happy to march down the Marxist/Fascist path and deny the right of free speech in our country, If you don’t agree with someone then debate them don’t ban them.

  11. Cancel Culture by the Gay community again with anyone they feel is a threat.
    When will my community wake up to the fact that there are different views to be shared by all of us but this constant hate is just so disgusting.
    Wake up snowflakes and allow other people from any group think.

  12. Do not let this idiot into our country. Also, remember that the scum Murdoch Neanderthals that are the ones bringing him here.
    It’s time that Queers gathered at Holt Street Surry Hills to let the tabloid trolls know that their days are numbered in our progressive society.

  13. Greetings from Toronto. Kindly don’t let this grifter , racist and homophobe enter and poison minds in your fine Island nation. His daddy is a twice impeached person who last every court case including the Jean Carroll rape case.

    Mofo Nigel Farage his partner in crime is totally discredited. Brexit has liquidated the UK economy. Stop Don Jr. before he flies to Australia he is going there for cheap racist taunts.

  14. I am sorry that I have to go to Sydney when and if he comes to Brisbane, I have to go to a family thing in Newcastle. If I could stay, I’d be happy to yell obscenities at him.

  15. I love the Trumps. Finally an honest family in politics. You are welcome anytime Jr.

  16. Hello, can Americans sign these petitions and where exactly are they located (NOT the fake ones)? Wish to God we could put jr and all of them (except Barron that is) out of America, and send them to Russia. Hope it works Australia.

  17. NONE of the Trump family are wanted here, especially Don Jr (OR SENIOR). They’re are bunch of scamming, lying, homophonic, transphobic, sexist narcissistic pigs. Keep your hatred to yourself and STAY IN THE USA. we’re very happy without you. Stay there and scam your Maga cultists, what’s left of them!

  18. As much as I hate him and wish he would go away I don’t wish him on the great people of Australia. You guys rock. He sucks. Also kills endangered species. Vicious people the trumps.

  19. There’s an island of TRASH that plagues the Pacific Ocean, floats along and gathers evil garbage that needs to be eradicated. Trump JR is a part of this ongoing collection of TRASH that needs to be eradicated. Don’t allow him the needed permission to enter the beautiful country of Australia. He carries the stench of Trump bigotry and evil intentions.

  20. you mention “activists” signing the petition.
    I signed it but am nowhere near an activist, I just
    don’t want this type of person entering my country.
    I am all for free speech but draw the line at gun toting,
    far right extremist who is here for the sole purpose
    of grifting Australians for their hard earned to support
    his father, a convicted criminal.

  21. Save endangered Australian wildlife! Donald Trump Jr has shown repeatedly that he cares nothing for the lives of endangered animals and should not be allowed into your country!

  22. I am Australian. His ideas are contrary to mine and I feel that most Australians would agree. I think that hie is mentally unstable and
    Drug addicted and like his father a dangerous person and should not be allowed to influence others of a similar mind bent.

  23. He is so creepy looking with those teeth and that hair. I would never trust him around children or animals.

  24. Please keep Donald Trump Jr out of Australia. We’re a progressive country who support everything he despises and for that reason he should not be allowed to spread his racism and hate here.

  25. Australia will be forever sorry if you allow the son of grifter Donald Trump in your country. His message is evil and meant to bring funds into his pockets. He is a criminal in the United States.

    Ban him from entry. He’s psrtnof the Fascists movement in our country.

  26. I wish we could send him out of this country forever. I wouldn’t wish him on any other nation, except Russia

  27. The entire Trump family is a plague to all of Earth. I grew up in New York City and knew decades ago what a complete dung heap the family is and how badly they treat everyone. Absolutely ban him from entering Australia because he is a walking mind virus and Turning Point is nothing short of a hate group of selfish, gun-worshipping bigots.

    Look, if there is some poisonous animal that might bite him, then the world would be done a favor, but in all seriousness keep him outside of your borders. We have enough issues with this human plague inside the USA.

  28. You might also want to protect your wildlife as well. He likes to shoot endangered species for trophies.