Belly Power

Belly Power

Located between the navel and the sternum, the third energy centre in our tour around the body is the solar plexus chakra, connected to issues of personal power and self-esteem. When healthy, this chakra helps to bring us drive, discipline, enthusiasm, organisation and effectiveness. But if this chakra is out of balance, we can feel insecure, needy and depressed.
Physically, this chakra regulates the stomach, gall bladder, liver, pancreas and adrenals. Any kind of disorder in these areas could be connected to an imbalance or blockage in this chakra. This is also the home of our emotions, and if you’ve ever felt butterflies in your stomach, you’ll know how easy it is to store emotional upset in this area.
One of the best ways to clear this chakra is through deep belly breathing. When we belly breathe, we not only breathe oxygen into the neglected bottom portion of our lungs (the healthiest way to breathe), but we also free any emotions stored in the belly. A few minutes of deep breathing a day will teach your body to breathe more deeply, even when you’re asleep.
To belly breathe, inhale through your nose, allowing your lower abdomen to expand so your navel bulges outwards. You should also feel your diaphragm drop slightly downwards. Then exhale through the nose with a little force, pulling your belly in as if you were trying to connect it with the spine.
Your breathing regulates your heartbeat — and both increase in the approach to orgasm. So learning to slow the breath down is one of the first stages in gaining greater control over your body… and in learning to control and delay ejaculation.
Incidentally, more advanced breathing techniques (called breathwork) are components of many tantric practices, including tantric massage. Breathing in a conscious, structured way can release stored stress, pain and trauma, and it can be a powerful and cathartic experience. But whether you practise by yourself or in a session with a tantra practitioner, deep breathing can be one of the best ways to release stuck emotions, energise the body and regulate the solar plexus chakra.
info: Experience tantric massage with Between The Sheets columnist Tantraguy. Visit…..tantraguy for more info.

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