Billboards preach gay love to Christians

Billboards preach gay love to Christians

Queensland media company Goa Billboards fought back against religious intolerance last night, posting a series of pro-gay signs on their digital billboards throughout Brisbane.

The billboards read: ‘Our God loves everyone gay & straight’ and the company plans to follow up the move with more signs of support to be posted on the digital screens until the end of the week.

Unlike fellow advertising company Adshel, Goa refused to remove the controversial Queensland Association of Healthy Communities (QAHC) ‘Rip and Roll’ advertisements from its outdoor sites throughout the state, despite pressure from the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL).

“The advice I have is that this advertisement does not breach the Australian Association of National Advertisers codes nor any Australian law,” Goa Billboards managing director Chris Tyquin said.

“The ACL’s claim that these men are engaging in an act of foreplay is drawing a long bow. If that’s foreplay, then clearly I’m doing it wrong.”

Tyquin said he supported Adshel’s decision to reinstate their advertisements.

“We live in a diverse community where freedom of speech is valued,” he said.

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48 responses to “Billboards preach gay love to Christians”

  1. @sigh, who hilariously wrote “Why is it everyone can have free speech except christians?”

    You idiot! It was the ACL that was trying to stifle free speech by censoring the ads!! Who’s stopping the Christians from saying anything?

    Good grief!

    And it was not, as you suggest, because they were sexy. If you’d have read the actual complaints you would see clearly that what they objected to was pictures of poofs in public.

    And the reason they object to poofs is because the ACL is a group of bigots. I don’t mean that in a derogatory sense, just an accurate one.

    Good day!

  2. If daring to expect to live as any other person, invokes the hate of fundamentalist, then I and others will stand against these bastards straight or gay.

    For to long in our lives, fundamentalist have tried to make misery, and get people bashed. Some Family First Candidates advocated for lesbians to burnt alive lest we forgot.

    This poster is about your equality. Your right to be seen in public. They do not complain about the supermarkets, the billboards selling condoms with other loving couples, they just complained about this as it had two guys on it.

    As most of the letters of complaint said, “It is about promoting the homosexual lifestyle”. This was what they were complaining about.

  3. You own your own faith, Iain does not. He might act like he does, but he is only ever talking about himself.

    He offers disgust and homophobia. Oppression. He wants a police state where he is called Jesus and decides what religion you have to follow. His cause can only ever lead to conflict and war. He does not represent all Christians in Australia and should stop lying about this.

    You have a right to live as freely as the next person. If Iain cannot handle that, I suggest he goes back into his cave where he can have control of himself.

  4. Peter, neither I, nor any Christians adhere to that which you suggest as they are Jewish laws. You should have an understanding of such things if you wish to provide comment. I suggest you go back to the drawing board and do some reading.

    DGrace, what does your anecdote about a woman in New Mexico have to do with anything?

    By the way, I have no affiliation with ACL whatsoever; I just find it amusing reading some of the articles on this website. Something else I find rather amusing is the abusive rhetoric that people on this site lash out with after having realised they have been proven wrong.

    Again, the ad is 100% correct. God does love gay people; he just doesn’t approve of their lifestyle choice.

  5. Fuck, the ACL people have gone out into the real world! They will be scared out of their minds! Fuck fuck fuck!

    Humphrey are you free?
    “I am free!”

  6. Attention please shoppers:

    Under the Federal Government ACL Act, we have to make announcements when ACL people enter our supermarket. “The Australian Government defines shoppers as a man and woman to the exclusion of all others”. We are required by law to tell ACL members of potential dangers to their children in our supermarket.

    Attention please shoppers:

    Could the ACL members please step away from the pregnant woman, and the guys holding hands in Isle 6. Do not look at those tampons also. This could result in your 6 year old asking questions.

    Attention please shoppers:

    Could the ACL members please stop yelling at the Gay Dads. . This could result in your 6 year old asking questions.

    Attention please shoppers:

    That Brisy Girl reading off the ACL script, can you please stop your daughter explaining what the movies are about in the DVD section. This could result in your 6 year old asking questions.

    Attention please shoppers:

    Please step away from the bra and underwear section. This could result in your 6 year old asking questions.

    Attention please shoppers:

    Could the ACL members please stop looking at the fish piled up on top of each other. This could result in your 6 year old asking questions.

    Attention please shoppers:

    Could the ACL members please stop looking at the young couple joking around and kissing waiting in the line! This could result in your 6 year old asking questions.

    Attention please shoppers:

    Could the ACL members please stop yelling abuse at the priest! Sorry father!

    Attention please shoppers:

    Could the ACL members please step away from the vegetable section! This could result in your 6 year old asking questions. Apples are on top of apples.

    Attention please shoppers:

    Could the ACL members step away from the other children. We are not responsible for what your children might hear. This could result in your 6 year old asking questions.
    Attention please shoppers:

    Could the ACL members please get your mini van out of the disability parking. This could result in your 6 year old asking questions.

    Attention Please Shoppers:

    Could the ACL members please stop staring at the young mother breast feeding. This could result in your 6 year old asking questions.

    Attention Please Shoppers:

    Could the ACL members please not go into the child changing room. This could result in questions being asked by your children.

    Attention please Shoppers:

    Can the ACL members please stop yelling at the Buddhist.
    Attention please Shoppers:

    Can the ACL please stop telling the catholic girls to remove their crosses.

    Attention please Shoppers:

    Can the ACL members please not give your children your Bible. It contains, rape, graphic scenes of a man on a cross, and extreme and no condom use.

  7. Next they will try to ban pads in supermarkets. Maybe even the straight couple kissing on condom packs on display that children see. Supermarkets will be shut. After this they will ban couples altogether. You have to laugh at these idiots.

    Where were the fundamentalist when the billboards said to 6 year olds the world is ending? Where were the when billboards said 4 sizes of condoms?

    All this and two guys embracing is the end of the world? Homophobes lost never make sense.

  8. I imagine that Iain is an ACL stooge, hes always here with his idiot responses and is a total bigot. I bring to your attention Iain, you twit, the case of a woman in new mexico who has just been jailed for 25 years for letting her daughter starve to death. That is this weeks “Breeders are the real threat to children” story, just as there will be another one next week and the week after that and the week after that. You lot have no morals! Plain and simple!

  9. There are 8 yr old kids at these bus stations who come home asking us what is safe sex? or when your 15 yr old had to try explain to their 6yr old sibling what these ads mean while waiting for the school bus. Is that fair? That is the issue. I hate what the ALC has done as some of us aren’t part of that group but we complained at the appropriateness for children and now that group has claimed that they instigated all the complaints when they didn’t, which we can’t prove as complaints are anonymous. It is very disappointing on the ACl’s actions.

  10. So Iain, I take it then that you don’t cut your hair, don’t eat shellfish and regularly sacrifice cattle, sheep (or pigeons if you are financially stretched)?
    Can you please let me know when and where you are following these instructions as contained in the bible, I’d like to come watch.

  11. God doesnt exist Albert. And you have no proof that “He” does either. He was created by men who want to control the lives of people through opression. Thats the real plan in action here.

  12. The story of Sodom is of being inhospitable, offering strangers up for rape. Lord knows what some of these lunatic Christian fundamentalist would have done back in the day when a stranger came knocking.

  13. Peter, I don’t claim to speak on behalf of God, but I can read. Both the OT and NT contain verses that disapprove of homosexuality. To suggest otherwise is to display ignorance. There is no point of debate. AlbertE is 100% correct.

    Dave, Christians confront homosexual activists because they are concerned about what is happening to our society as a result of their activity. The gay movement has been attempting to remove the processes that facilitate civilised society for some time. It is thanks to movements such as the ACL that we still have the remnants of a safe environment in which to raise children.

  14. supercalablahblahblah said

    “What our children do or don’t do is none of your business and we don’t need homosexuals to tell our children what is normal in sex.

    And what homosexuals do is none of your business either bigot yet you and your ilk never shut up about something you know nothing about. And the vast majority of kiddy fiddlers are breeders. FACT.

  15. People who practise homosexuality should realise that it is sin. God doesnt hate these people but he hates this behaviour. Why debate the issue? There’s no debate, its stated clearly in his word the Bible. God has got a far better plan for people’s lives. Homosexuality is like a trap, a bog that will hold people fast and prevent them from ever fulfilling the wonderful potential that God wants to reward us with. How very sad.

  16. Christianity is incompatible with homosexuality. There comes a time when you need to stop sitting on the fence trying desperately to make ancient dead religious texts work with 2011. They just don’t. The Bible is just not gay-friendly. It never will be, because it was written in ancient history. You can’t debate with a 2000+ year old text from a culture that has nothing to do with ours. Just deal with it and move on. Why do we want God so bad when he so obviously doesn’t want us and made it so clear so long ago? It’s just like an unhealthy obsessive relationship where one guy pines over the other who’s just not interested; and gone really, really rotten.

  17. 40 years ago you could advertise “No Catholics Need Apply”. You could bash a protestant if you were a Catholic and get away with it if Catholic Police were doing the rounds. Ah the good old days. I am so glad they are gone. Church fought Church.

    You know when scientist clone lesbian mice, they get lesbian mice, and when they clone gay fruiflies, the get gay fruit flies. So it must be the gay fruit flies and lesbian mice that are corrupting children these days.

    It is amazing how even the Uniting Church is no longer considered “mainstream” by fundamentalist. It is the third largest church in Australia. To fundamentalist only they “know”. Only they have the “answers”. They seek a police state, where you have no freedoms to think, or to practice a religion you want. Forget poor old Buddhism, and we know what they think of Muslims. They write into these forums out of self importance, trying to tell you that you have no rights, you should have no ability to be free, and they try to make you think only they know about Christianity. They mock other Christians and people of a different faith. If only these Tin Men could have a brain.