Bishop seeks marriage views

Bishop seeks marriage views

Tony Abbott’s deputy, Julie Bishop, has become the second Liberal MP to start canvassing constituent views on same-sex marriage.

Wentworth MP Malcolm Turnbull last week became the first Liberal in federal Parliament to seek his constituents’ views in line with the Greens’ Adam Bandt’s motion passed in the House of Representatives last November. Sydney MP Tanya Plibersek was among the first to initiate a poll prior to Christmas.

Australian Marriage Equality (AME) national convener Alex Greenwich welcomed the Deputy Opposition Leader’s online poll on marriage equality.

“Allowing supporters of equality to be counted demonstrates great respect for the families and couples directly affected by current discrimination in the marriage act,” he said.

Greenwich called on Prime Minister Julia Gillard to allow her constituents to express their views through a similar platform.

“Julia Gillard voted in favour of the Green’s motion to gauge constituents views on marriage equality, and we hope she soon follows the lead of Tanya Plibersek, Julie Bishop, and Malcom Turnbull,” he said.

Reports this week suggest Turnbull’s poll is already showing more than 65% of his constituents to be in favour of marriage equality.

Turnbull added a special page to his website, inviting constituents to have their say in an electronic poll.

“It is very likely that later this year, the issue of same-sex marriage will be debated in federal Parliament,” Turnbull wrote.

“I have been canvassing the views of voters in Wentworth about the issue and this survey is another medium for my constituents to let me know their views.

“This survey is important as community views on marriage and the legal status of same-sex relationships are rapidly changing.”

Click HERE for Julie Bishop’s poll.

Click HERE for Malcolm Turnbull’s poll.

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3 responses to “Bishop seeks marriage views”

  1. Delivering Social Justice is not the domain of any particular political party. All those who believe in a Fair Go, exist in all political parties.

    Australians have fought to stop the White Australia Policy, the segregation of Aboriginal people, and to limit the influence of the Church over the State.

    I believe in a Fair Go, and I am encouraged that others still do.