Body Dysmorphia Is A Cruel Bully

Body Dysmorphia Is A Cruel Bully
Image: Image: Unsplash

Does this sound familiar? You’re taking a saucy selfie and peering at your body and hating on yourself, then 12 months later, you’re looking through your phone and come across those photos and you think to yourself, “hey, I actually look pretty good there!”.

Then being confused about the state of your mental health, where you can look back to 12 months ago and see something completely different now compared to when you actually took the photo?

It was shocking to hear during an interview earlier this year that someone who appears, from the outside at least, to have perfect body confidence, a man making it in the entertainment industry who spends a lot of time honing not only his craft but also his body, suffers too.

He’s in an upcoming release in which he bears a lot of flesh but this particular artist has an Instagram page too, in which he also bares a lot of flesh and the question was asked whether the Instagram page, which is a few years old, helped him to mentally prepare for the making of his movie which required him to be fairly undressed a lot of the time, which was when he shared with me the fact that he himself suffers from body dysmorphia!

Mind. Blown.

Hot Peeps Can Get Body Dysmorphia Too!

And that the confidence that he shows on the outside by sharing his body through these different mediums, despite the fact he has these voices in his head telling him that he does not meet the lofty expectations society has set for us, is inspirational.

This stunning example of someone who society deems beautiful, who appears on the surface to be confident and sexy, shockingly, also suffers from body dysmorphia.

Imagine my surprise to find that somebody who works so hard to successfully achieve that sculpted form, also regularly looks in the mirror and sees something distorted staring back.

How do you shut these voices up then, or at least turn the volume down?

It helps if you can talk about these concerns with other people in your life, whether it’s someone you talk to professionally or just confiding to your friends and family and discovering that more of us are going through these difficult internal monologues then we would’ve thought!

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