Church groups unite

Church groups unite

Evangelical Christians and Catholics have joined forces in a campaign to prevent the legal recognition of same-sex relationships in Chile.

Same-sex couples currently have no protections under law, and the Chilean government is moving to legalise civil unions to recognise them.

Church groups warn that civil unions could eventually lead to “marriage and adoption of children and young people by persons of the same sex in a legal union”.

The groups also oppose anti-discrimination laws covering sexual minorities which they constitute “a concept whose ambiguity has resulted, in other countries, in a distortion of sexuality and of the foundations of the family, as well as a serious danger for the exercise of numerous liberties”.

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One response to “Church groups unite”

  1. Let them try! The President of Argentina who personally followed through the same-sex marriage legislation, has just been relected in a landslide. The Chilean President needs to take note of his neighbour’s election result and in Chile, the push is for civil unions , not same-sex marriage! How desperate are these ‘fundies’?