Marriage inquiry open

Marriage inquiry open

The community can air its frustrations at the current ban on gays and lesbians getting married as public submissions are now being called for the latest Senate inquiry into marriage equality.

The inquiry was established after Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young moved to refer her 2010 same-sex marriage bill to a Senate committee earlier this month.

Hanson-Young’s bill wants to remove all discriminatory references from the Marriage Act to allow all people, regardless of sex, sexuality and gender identity, the opportunity to marry.

“We look forward to hearing all views about our Marriage (Equality) Amendment Bill 2010,” Hanson-Young said.

“It’s our hope that hearing directly from same-sex couples, their friends and families, there will be enough support from both major parties for a conscience vote on changing the law.”

The deadline for submissions is April 2 and the committee will report back on May 25.

HELP: Click here for tips on writing your submission

The committee is inviting written submissions which can be posted or emailed to [email protected]


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4 responses to “Marriage inquiry open”

  1. Stuart, I understand where you are coming from but it is that feared end that drives the conservative agenda against marriage equality.

    We have a separation of Church and State and if we are to follow that through, then the Church should be able to run its affairs any way it chooses. It is worth noting that there are many progressive churches who will willingly conduct same-sex marriages if and when they are able.

  2. Rather than just removing discriminatory references from the Marriage Act, how about we remove all discrimination, thereby allowing gay couples, or anyone for that matter, to marry in conservative churches, synagogues and mosques, nude?

  3. We should have the same rights as straight people
    Julia needs to think about her country not just
    Her veiws

  4. “The community can air its frustrations at the current ban on gays and lesbians getting married…”

    I also urge the community to air frustrations on how trans people can end up in a situation of “forced trans divorce.”

    The more reasons we give the better and stronger our case will be.