Margaret Court says marriage equality will end Christmas

Margaret Court says marriage equality will end Christmas
Image: Image: Twitter.

MARGARET Court has made another bizarre rant against LGBTI people, this time claiming that marriage equality will mean Christmas is cancelled.

“There will be no Mother’s Day, there will be no Father’s Day, there will be no Easter, there will be no Christmas,” she said, according to Out in Perth.

Court is reportedly furious that the Cottesloe Tennis Club has dumped her as its vice-patron, claiming the decision was politically motivated.

“I think it’s sad. You don’t have the freedom of speech today to really defend yourself,” she said in a newspaper interview.

“It’s a sad day for our nation when it comes to that.”

Court spoke out against what she sees as a double standard, where people are praised for supporting marriage equality but her own attacks on LGBTI rights—“God’s side”—are chastised.

“Ian Thorpe can stand for the other side and there’s no criticism but when we stand for our Christian beliefs or God’s side I feel sporting people are very intimidated, they’re put down,” she said.

The former tennis champion went on to claim that marriage equality is not about marriage.

“It will affect Christian schools, it will affect freedom of speech,” she said.

“They want marriage because they want to destroy it.”

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21 responses to “Margaret Court says marriage equality will end Christmas”

  1. I’m a Father, have 4 beautiful adult children and we will definitely be celebrating fathers day for the rest of my life… as for Christmas try and keep me away from Christmas lunch.. no way me and my family will be celebrating; not sure why Margaret has the need to put us all in a box…

  2. What a load of garbage!
    Who cares about Mother’s or father’s day anyway? they are just more garbage imported from the USA. A Money making racket for Florists, Greeting Card companies etc.
    Christmas will disappear?
    Where does she get that absurd idea from?
    Christmas has nothing to do with marriage.

  3. Any respect held by the general community for sad hateful Margaret has now been diminished by this bizarre rant.

  4. We have had marriage equality in England, Scotland and Wales (but not Northern Ireland) for just over three years. I would like to assure Aussies that we still have Christmas – in fact Christmas merchandise is already in our shops for the fourth year running … S Court is wrong!

  5. Wonderful comments by all. Sadly Margaret lost the plot years ago……..guess that’s what religion does to you…

  6. If she’s not allowed to express her opinion, how is then that we’re reading this drivel? Does she even listen to herself? She is one angry bitter old cow. How lucky for her that she has the homosexual community to blame for everything. The birthdays of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny cancelled? I don’t think the business community would ever let that happen!!

  7. I think it’s really sad that she has trashed her reputation with no underpinning at all. I assume she’s serious but that is one hell of a challenge given her thinking seems so skewed. Perhaps one day she will look back and wonder why she said it.

  8. “Ian Thorpe can stand for the other side and there’s no criticism”, Yes, because he is not standing up making vile comments about or denigrating perfectly decent people. So what is there to criticise him for. He is not the liar and purveyor of hate that you are, Ms Court.

  9. Has Margaret Court turned into the Christmas Grinch? ME won’t be what destroys Christmas… we love Christmas, amd Marriage Equality will even make it more special when we can celebrate it as an Officialy legal Family!

    • Ha ha tomorrow Margaret Court’s press release is going to be titled “The Gays Have Ruined Christmas”.

  10. LOL: “I think it’s sad. You don’t have the freedom of speech today to really defend yourself,” she said in a newspaper interview.

    Margaret Court says as she exercises her freedom of speech and defends her views IN A NEWSPAPER INTERVIEW.

    I think sometimes people confuse “freedom of speech” with “freedom to express my view and not have anyone disagree or express a different view”.

    If we really lacked freedom of speech she’d be censored or worse. Instead her comments have started a discourse on the topic. That is a perfect example of freedom of speech actually working.

    • … “I think sometimes people confuse “freedom of speech” with “freedom to express my view and not have anyone disagree or express a different view”. ”

      I think it’s that and a bit more. They expect to not have their beliefs challenged or interrogated.

      Surely anyone with a belief about anything should be able to articulate why they hold this belief, but it seems that these people can’t, and don’t expect to be asked – claiming that holding a belief without being able to defend it is an attack on their freedom of speech.

  11. I’m sure the Atheists, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Budhists, Sikh’s, etc will be dismayed with the news Christmas has been cancelled.

    Maggie just has to sit back (and chill?), calm down and reflect on the relevance of what she is saying with respect to a civil (i.e. secular) right.

    By all means have an opinion but be relevant, not religious. Don’t dis-respect the divide between State and Religion(s).

    Oh, and Maggs, congratulations by the way of twisting the knife in the emotions of all those married couples who can’t have children and already suffer unduly on the commercially inspired Mother and Father days.

      • Ah, but you like the Spirit(s) of Christmas.

        Maggie is a fundamentalist; gift giving, over-indulgence of both food and Satan’s brew would not be permitted in her realm…that would be hypocritical.

  12. Canada has had marriage equality for over a decade, just to take one example. Have any of Margaret Court’s predictions come true there? I haven’t even bothered to Google this, I’m just guessing hell no. But please correct me Margaret Court. Point to any evidence, not your madeup bullshit. Else you’re just a pathetic desperate religious liar.

    But this kind of paranoia destroys any integrity this “survey” had. If the No side wins, we can just put it down to Margaret Court’s Christmas scare campaign that swung it for the Noes, and when Labor brings in marriage equality it will still be as legitimate as it could ever be.