Free forum for HIV-positive men

Free forum for HIV-positive men

Impotence Australia is offering HIV-positive gay men the opportunity to attend a free, four-week men’s group during November, dealing with the topic of living with HIV and surrounding self-esteem issues.

The men’s group will be run for two hours every week on a weekday – most likely a Wednesday – in a venue in the Surry Hills/Redfern area.

The group will be facilitated by Brett McCann, a sexual health counsellor who has been running workshops, teaching at universities and counselling in sexual health matters for over 20 years.

The first contact is confidential and no names have to be given. On application you will be asked to have a chat to see if group would be beneficial for you.

info: Call Gerry North on 0411 368 142 or email McCann at [email protected]

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