Gillard: You will never marry under me

Gillard: You will never marry under me

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has told The Australian  that she will not change her mind on same-sex marriage while she is in power. Despite her lack of faith, she said same-sex marriage should remain illegal out of respect for Australia’s Christian “heritage”.

Gillard told the newspaper she appreciated Australia’s “heritage as a Christian country”, adding that “the Marriage Act has a special status in our culture” as a heterosexuals-only institution.

Australian Marriage Equality national secretary Peter Furness demanded that Gillard  explain what Australia’s “Christian heritage” has to do with same-sex marriage.

“Does she believe discrimination is acceptable because some people think homosexuality is a sin, or because a minority of couples still marry in churches even though marriage is a civil, secular institution in Australian society?” Furness said.

“Gillard’s words sound like something an anti-gay ‘morals’ campaigner like Rev Fred Nile would say and are far more extreme than anything John Howard, Tony Abbott or Kevin Rudd have ever said on the issue.

“Any way you look at it, Gillard’s statement is offensive, ridiculous and extreme and must be explained or withdrawn.

“We also want to know why she is only upholding the ‘Christian heritage’ of churches that discriminate, and not those that solemnise same-sex marriages.”

Furness agreed that the act of marriage had a “special status in our culture”.

“That is precisely why it should not enshrine discrimination, exclusion and prejudice.

“Australians want leaders who represent broad community support for equality, not leaders who pander to tiny minorities of fundamentalists wanting to impose their outdated beliefs on everyone else.”

UPDATE: A dummy ALP twitter account was falsely claiming today that the Labor caucus had voted in favour of same-sex marriage.

The person responsible claimed to be posting on behalf of Rainbow Labor, but Rainbow Labor have told us this is absolutely not correct. The ALP national campaign office have now shut down the twitter account.

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43 responses to “Gillard: You will never marry under me”

  1. Julia Gillard has probably never heard of or actually never even read the Australian Constitution.

    In view of Section 116 of Australia’s constitution is quoted:

    “The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance”

  2. I voted Green too in both houses – I have had enough of the deception, spin, lies, “Christian agenda’s”, backstabbing and hatred of both parties!!!!

    WOW 10 Green politicians – now things are rolling our way for a change!!!!!

    I hope one day Bob Brown will become Prime Minister, he is the coolest!!!!!

  3. To Marie, “Everyone who voted for the Greens yesterday:
    Do you realise that the Greens give their preferences to Labor,”
    Only if you can’t be bothered numbering the boxes 1-84 below the line. Takes longer but was worth it.

  4. Same sex marriage no way even though some religions have accepted it the fact remains and is very clear homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God. Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. can it be any clearer? I have friends that are homosexual I love them in Christ but do not condone their sexual choice in this we have mutual respect as individuals with different points of view. Although I did not vote for Labor this time I do respect the PM for making a stand that is an very important part of my, my family indeed my heritage of Christian beliefs. I have to ask, Why do some homosexual people consider they have the right to change Christian beliefs or heritage? Lastly when a Christian sins they should be repentant this means to stop do a 180 degree turn and try not to do the same sin again.

    Proud to be Christian!!


    If we want gay marriage we must suport the Greens. They are our only hope. It looks like the Pink vote certainly went their way.

    Gillard is a train accident. The best way to give her feedback is to call her office and to email her your comments above. She doesnt read these comments here.

    Congrats to the Greens for an amazing performance. I look forward to seeing you push for our rights in Parliament. You have my full support.

    Peace x

  6. Raised a conservative Baptist Gillard says she is an atheist.

    Why does Gillard tell us to pray and respect God? She is clearly a closet Happy Clapper.

  7. Well the electorate certainly showed her didn’t they. Looks like Julia’s last minute grab for the right-wing Christian vote didn’t pan out, judging by her performance in the election.

  8. “Julia Gillard has told The Australian Newspaper that she will not change her mind on same-sex marriage while she is in power”

    Can’t get any clearer statement than that! Despite what those hand-wringers in Rainbow Labor wish for in vain- (they might as well join Rainbow Liberals… with as much chance of changing the party from within).
    The REAL way of getting change in this gridlock of Julia’s statement above is to SMASH them with change from OUTSIDE the party, with the Greens balance of power in both houses of parliament.
    Julia was soooo out of touch with the growing groundswell of support for equal rights in the gay, and straight commmunity. Instead, she aligned herself with the ideology of Family First- a party that has now lost thier only seat & relevance. She should have aligned herself with Greens ideology on equal rights- a party that has now gained a seat on the house of reps, and doubled thier control of the Senate from 5 seats to 10!

    The size of the issue of equal rights, and the disgust by not only same sex attracted people, but thier families, straight friends, and fair minded straight people… I mean even the Chaser had had comedy skits on the anti-equality-homophobia of Labor, compared to all the other countries rolling out equal rights at growing speed.

    To ever have any hope of winning back those Green votes, Julia & Labor need to retract her statement above ASAP, and declare support for equal rights in civil marriage.

  9. Everyone who voted for the Greens yesterday:
    Do you realise that the Greens give their preferences to Labor, so all of you just inadvertently supported Julia Gillard? Every Greens vote is pretty much just another vote for Labor, so give yourselves a pat on the back if Julia Gillard remains PM.

  10. Most of this marriage advocacy is coming from the Liberal party to make the ALP look anti-gay when in fact the ALP is a million times more gay friendly than the Liberals. Whats likely to happen is all the GLBT will vote greens instead of Labor and then the Liberals will then gain power as a result and we will be the worst ones off as a result.

  11. Looks like the only way we’ll get to marry each other is if we all move to marginal seats.

  12. Why vote for an Australian Political Party or person who does not treat you as an Australian, does not support equality, does not allow marriage (without the adjectives), etc?

    I voted for The Greens, in both houses.