Out Quotes

Out Quotes

Is that the HIV-positive Tampa I see on the horizon?

-” Graeme Finn responds to John Howards opinions on HIV-positive migrants in The Sydney Morning Herald letters page.

In a village you feel like a freak. You don’t come across gay people, and you never come across people talking about it. I was in a very bad way, really depressed, not outwardly but inwardly.

-” Mark, a young gay bar manager from a rural town in the UK, tells This Is London what it’s really like being the only gay in the village.

Of course, I had no idea. I thought everyone wanted to be Wonder Woman.

-” Darren Hayes took a while to realise he was gay, he told The Advocate.

We recognised quickly that the church was not about one man or a building.

-” New Life Church associate pastor Rob Brendle, on why congregation numbers had stayed fairly steady despite senior pastor Ted Haggard’s scandalous admissions he’d used crystal meth and a male prostitute. From Reuters.

If you could actually push a button and see what every gay person drives, it’s probably not too different from what the average person drives, but it might skew higher in price.

-” Frank Markus from Motor Trend magazine tells The New York Times what gays like to drive -“ the same cars as everyone else.

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