Turnbull encourages young LGBTI Australians to “believe in themselves”

Turnbull encourages young LGBTI Australians to “believe in themselves”
Image: Malcolm Turnbull. Image: Facebook / Malcolm Turnbull.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has said he deplores the hateful language being used by ‘no’ campaigners ahead of the upcoming vote on marriage equality.

As posters saying ‘stop the fags’ allegedly appeared in Melbourne this week, the PM has called hurtful language the “weakest argument” against marriage equality, The Sydney Morning Herald has reported.

“I deplore disrespectful language, whether it is directed at young gay people or religious people or people of different religions,” said Turnbull in a radio interview this morning.

In the interview, Turnbull was told “respectful debate, with all due respect, is in the toilet”.

He called on Australians to support anyone who is affected by the marriage equality debate, and encouraged LGBTI people to “believe in yourself” and “be proud of yourself”.

“One of the problems in this debate is the tendency to caricature each side,” said Turnbull.

“The vast majority of people involved in this debate—and of course the vast majority of Australians, 99.99 per cent or whatever—are very respectful of each other.”

He urged people not to be “distracted by a handful of extreme and unpleasant posters or flyers”.

Voters have until August 24 to enrol or update their details to ensure they can vote in the postal poll.

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One response to “Turnbull encourages young LGBTI Australians to “believe in themselves””

  1. I like Malcolm Turnbull far more than that dreadful Opposition Leader!
    BUT I do wish he would get some back-bone and actually stand up for what he believes in. Even if it eventually costs him the Prime Ministership he should simply scrap this absurd Postal Survey of Same Gender Marriage. He should abandon the every bit as absurd Tony Abbott Plebiscite. Make no mistake Abbott designed his Plebiscite to FAIL.
    Turnbull should simply give them all the finger and introduce the necessary legislation to change the Secular Australian Marriage Act.
    Then we will see just how supportive the ALP actually is or has all their posturing been nothing more than an exercise in political opportunism and point scoring?
    The problem with our politicians, particularly those from the ALP and Liberals, is that they are far too interested in themselves and the benefits they can accrue for themselves than in either Australia or, more importantly the People of Australia. They simply do not care about anything other than themselves. They are destroying politics and the country along with it.