Tennis legend slams gay marriage

Tennis legend slams gay marriage

Women’s tennis champion Margaret Court has condemned the push for marriage equality, saying she wants to “protect families”.

The West Australian reports that Court, who is the founder and senior pastor at Victory Life Church in Perth, has urged Australians to make a stand against same-sex marriage, saying no human law could ever change God’s divine laws.

“Politically correct education has masterfully escorted homosexuality out from behind closed doors, into the community openly and now is aggressively demanding marriage rights that are not theirs to take,” she said.

Court said society was best served by strong family units that comprised a mum, dad and children and that there was no reason to put forward “alternative, unhealthy, unnatural unions” as a substitute. said.

“No amount of legislation or political point-scoring can ever take out of the human heart the knowledge that in the beginning God created them male and female and provided each with a unique sexual function to bring forth new life,” she said.

“To dismantle this sole definition of marriage and try to legitimise what God calls abominable sexual practices that include sodomy, reveals our ignorance as to the ills that come when society is forced to accept law that violates their very own God-given nature of what is right and what is wrong.”

Court has had a history of anti-gay comments, accusing lesbians of ruining women’s tennis and calling Martina Navratilova a bad example to young players.

In 2002 she said Damir Dokic’s concern about daughter Jelena being exposed to lesbians on the circuit was “understandable” and campaigning against Western Australian laws that gave gay couples equal legal rights as de facto couples.

The three times Wimbledon champion who holds 62 Grand Slam titles turned to Christianity in 1972, and has long claimed that homosexuality is a choice, reiterating her stance this week.

“The fact that the homosexual cry is, ‘We can’t help it as we were born this way’, as the cause behind their own personal choice is cause for concern,” she said.

“Every action begins with a thought. There is a choice to be made.”

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41 responses to “Tennis legend slams gay marriage”

  1. janie, homosexuality is not against the law in Australia! There are anti-discrimination laws in ALL states. The majority of Australians believe in social justice and human rights. It is Christian fundamentalists who are out of step and in the minority!

  2. I find it sad that when a person may oppose something that is not good for a society and is out rightly wrong, vicious slanderous remarks are made as a personal attack. Margaret Court is just pointing out the facts, children do need a Mother and a Father. Society, cannot reproduce itself without male and female. Homosexual lifestyles are not healthy and has the highest HIV/AIDS contractors in Australia. Why is it that men who are in a homosexual relationship are not permitted to give blood to the Australian Red Cross? Because fear of infecting people with HIV/AIDS. This is the facts!
    A society that turns away from the truths of Jesus will reap the consequences, whether you believe it or not.

  3. I have to agree with Court. A fine woman. You gays will not force your evil upon moral God fearing Christians. A war will ensue. Be prepared. Gay people are the spawn of Satan. Just reading the evil deluded lies in these statements are proof enough. You will get a fierce push back. The war against the darkness is here. Christians are members of the Army of light. You have choices no one is born gay it is a choice you make to serve evil. Now you seek to force your evils upon the world. Forget it your evil will be resisted & defeated. I abhor wicked gays and they will be destroyed. It is ordained.

    Ed: Hang on, didn’t Jesus mention something about not judging others and loving others? Such a fine example of ‘christian’ love.

  4. It’s people like her that give religion, god, and other christians a bad name. Not all Christians think like her – and she does not have the right to speak in the name of God. The god I worship does not judge nor punish. In the words of Jesus himself `love one another as I have loved You’ – he did not discriminate so how dare this woman even speaks such horrible things about people who did not choose their sexuality…shame on you!!!

  5. What’s really is scary is her father in law and brother in law are ex liberal premiers of Western Australia. You can only imagine what open-minded, tolerant and fun loving guys they were. Why don’t the so called liberal party just bite the bullet and change their name to the conservative party? Its religious fundamentalist fanatics like her that are hijacking rational political debate on the issue. Between the likes of her and that other well known fundamentalist George Pell ranting in the ears of Tony Abbott, a conscience vote on same-sex marriage for conservative MPs seems like a slim chance. They promote themselves as the party of individual choice and the free market. Well how about de-regulating the marriage market and allowing all people to choose a form of marriage that fits their needs? How about it Tony? Is a little liberalism too much to ask from a liberal?

  6. What a horrible nasty old woman.
    It amazes me how people like this forget to mention or dare not to how their lot fail marriage 70% through affairs,going to brothels,domestic violence etc
    Glad Im not straight,that lifestyle and what goes with it is fucked.

  7. To be fair Ana, these people are so scared that “God” will teleport into their house and burn them alive if they stop worshipping that they probably dont have much of a choice, unless they started living in the real world and making the most of the one life they do have

  8. I don’t think Ms. Court has ever recovered from being in the minority in the ladies’ tennis changerooms!

  9. I think I would like all my gay brothers & lesbian sisters of our wonderful country to actively demonstrate against Margaret Court and the Victory Life Centre – very damaging to our souls

  10. A religion and set of beliefs based on a bunch of old men wandering around lost in the desert for years. Oh how far we’ve come!

  11. Meh…. she’s old…. she’ll be dead soon. So will all the other bigots. Imagine, 25 years from now when they are all gone from the face of this planet how much more peaceful and accepting this world will be without them. Her opinion therefor amounts to nothing to no one.

  12. People can change their Religion anytime they want and start following another Religion. Gay people dont have this choice.

  13. We have had a war on cancer, a war on terror, a war on Aids….its time to havea war on Religion. Religion is a choice not Homosexuality!!! When are we going to stop allowing religion to dictate our Law?

  14. Very sad, harmful and narrow minded and another example of homophobic comments Margaret has made through the years. To me, same sex marriage is normal, it is healthy and above all, it is natural. Dearest Margaret, unlearn everything that has been drummed into you through the years and made you into the person you are today and open your mind, you might be fortunate enough to learn a thing or two about life and people….

  15. Very sad, harmful and narrow minded and another example of homophobic comments Margaret has made through the years. To me, same sex marriage is normal, it is healthy and above all, it is natural. Dearest Margaret, unlearn everything and tha…t has been drummed into you through the years and made you into the person you are today and open your mind, you might be fortunate enough to learn a thing or two about life and people….

  16. God created man and wife… Her proof??? NONE.
    Stick to playing tennis dummy and keep God and your big nose out of my relationship.

  17. Who the hell cares how many Grand Slams she had? Her bigotry is disgusting.

    I’m so sick of people saying that homosexuality is a choice. I wouldn’t even care if it was, but the point is that when you ask a person who is gay or lesbian if they chose their orientation and they say ‘no’, then you should believe them. It’s so disrespectful for people like Court to make claims about other people in direct denial to their own experience and understanding of self.

    This is why I am no longer part of a conservative church – because they teach you to judge others and paternalistically decide for them what they are and how they’re allowed to live. And all based on the supposed wisdom of a god for which they have zero evidence.

    I’m 100% straight and I 100% support marriage equality.

  18. The fundamentalists have created god in their own mean-spirited, frighted and humourless image. If there was a god, I think he would dislike fundamentalists as much as I do.

    Someone should shove a tennis ball in her mouth… otherwise a Bishop will not be safe in his bed.

  19. Isn’t there something in the bible about women keeping silent?

    Oh yes, here it is:

    “women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says.”

    1 Corinthians 14:34

    As usual, Christians being very selective with their rules. A woman pastor? Isn’t that ‘unnatural’ according to Court’s religion?

  20. She is just so pathetically irrelevant. Nothing she says is going to affect us gaining equality in the long run. I’m suprised she hasn’t said “won’t someone think of the children”.

    Get a life Margaret – sounds as though the one you have is fucking boring.

  21. What always gets me is the line “to protect families, and God’s way” Well I guess no kid was ever abused by parents who were straight?, or that every marriage is happy, and no one ever divorces? Oh thats right, thats a fantasy.
    Jesus freaks have to back off, they are infinitely more dangerous and harmful to children then any gay marriage could ever be.

  22. What a charming woman with such relevant things to say! I wonder if she’s as vocal & passionate about the other parts of Christianity that are outdated and incongruous with a modern society.

  23. Hey, anyone know how I can contact Margaret Court? Respectfully I’d like to point out some glaring inaccuracies in her reported comments above. I say respectfully, because she is a legend of Australian tennis, though a homophobic bigot as well. In the matter of nature v. nurture, she’s definately chosen her path.

  24. I recall listening to the graceful tribute paid by Billy Jean King to Margaret Court as she commentated during the 2003 Australian Open on the occasion of the renaming of Show Court One as “Margaret Court Arena”.

    This was just after Reverend Court had been on one of her anti-gay tirades in the wake of the passage of bills though the West Australian parliament that removed legislative discrimination toward sexual orientation and that recognised gay partnerships.

    Then and now, I am still struck by the irony.

  25. Some one please shove a tennis ball in her mouth. chain her to s stove and put her back into dark ages where she belongs. Take away her feminist rights and she what she has to say then.