Tennis legend slams gay marriage

Tennis legend slams gay marriage

Women’s tennis champion Margaret Court has condemned the push for marriage equality, saying she wants to “protect families”.

The West Australian reports that Court, who is the founder and senior pastor at Victory Life Church in Perth, has urged Australians to make a stand against same-sex marriage, saying no human law could ever change God’s divine laws.

“Politically correct education has masterfully escorted homosexuality out from behind closed doors, into the community openly and now is aggressively demanding marriage rights that are not theirs to take,” she said.

Court said society was best served by strong family units that comprised a mum, dad and children and that there was no reason to put forward “alternative, unhealthy, unnatural unions” as a substitute. said.

“No amount of legislation or political point-scoring can ever take out of the human heart the knowledge that in the beginning God created them male and female and provided each with a unique sexual function to bring forth new life,” she said.

“To dismantle this sole definition of marriage and try to legitimise what God calls abominable sexual practices that include sodomy, reveals our ignorance as to the ills that come when society is forced to accept law that violates their very own God-given nature of what is right and what is wrong.”

Court has had a history of anti-gay comments, accusing lesbians of ruining women’s tennis and calling Martina Navratilova a bad example to young players.

In 2002 she said Damir Dokic’s concern about daughter Jelena being exposed to lesbians on the circuit was “understandable” and campaigning against Western Australian laws that gave gay couples equal legal rights as de facto couples.

The three times Wimbledon champion who holds 62 Grand Slam titles turned to Christianity in 1972, and has long claimed that homosexuality is a choice, reiterating her stance this week.

“The fact that the homosexual cry is, ‘We can’t help it as we were born this way’, as the cause behind their own personal choice is cause for concern,” she said.

“Every action begins with a thought. There is a choice to be made.”

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41 responses to “Tennis legend slams gay marriage”

  1. […] So those are the moments from 2011 that would make any tennis fan spit on the court in disgust. But don’t worry, Highlights and Winners – The Best of Tennis 2011 will be posted in a few days to put us all in a good mood for the holiday season. .fb_iframe_widget { vertical-align: top !important; margin-left: 16px !important; } Tweet […]

  2. I just want to apologies to the GLBT community on behalf of the growing number of NON-fundamentalist Christians who love and accept gays. You guys are totally right about the love that Christians are meant to have for everyone and right-wing extremists like this @janie littlejohn have no clue about what Jesus was on about.

    God doesn’t hate gays. He loves them. Big time.

    Love from a c3 pastor.

  3. Can we please organise a Rally against this woman and the Church? Or maybe for a float for next years Mardi Gras

    I am sure her world would be different if her daughter Marika was a Lesbian.

  4. Wimbledon Ladies Singles titles-

    Martina Navratilova 9
    Billie Jean King 6
    Margaret Court, a disappointing 3. Perhaps, sour grapes?

  5. Thank you, Margaret, for standing up for what you believe in. I am grateful we live in a country where we can exercise our freedom of speech.

    People do not want to believe in God or what the Bible says because they do not want to change or be accountable. I respect their choice.

    But I support you! Thank you!

  6. @ Janie Littlejohn – you are no christian according to the good book, even though you purport to be one. Your comment is a total rant of hatred towards mankind irrespective of creed or culture. You live in a world of introverted darkness, hatred, uncaring, unloving etc etc. Time for you to keep reading the verses and get a grip on life, maybe loosen up – maybe moving into the 21st century may be on the cards.

  7. Dont Worry guys, the old bag will be dead soon anyways, have fun in “Heaven” or what ever you’s call it!. . .

  8. To Margaret Court
    I feel sorry for you, for the anger aimed towards you because of the hate you chose to give – that same – sex orientation, inner core of my being, is but a mere thought, choice, that I make so that you can judge, demean, vilify, and persecute me. In doing so, it makes you feel better about yourself.
    God loves equally and by my love for God, for His sake, may I take in that hate towards you.

    Hate returned does not equal to right. May you be sheltered from the experience of being made to feel shame and that you have let down yourself and the loved ones who love you for yourself. As it is, people tell you that your orientation makes you wrong, but you would rather be shamed than letting your loved ones being shamed, because you love them and would do anything to protect them.
    However, they cannot be shielded, the consequences of suffering: hurt, sadness, anxiety, distrust, you brought with your words. This in spite of knowing that you are respected and been given a platform, a beacon to shine light, to encourage good will in a place where we are isolated from one another as a community.
    You reap what you sow. I will pray that karma will be purified, that you may find enough compassion in your heart to love others. Happy Christmas, your loved ones, like ours, appreciate you for whom you are.

    Churchgoer – St Andrews Subiaco.
    Layperson – Buddhist Society WA