As good as gold

As good as gold

It is officially spring and you know what that means. Yes, the weather will get warmer and with the weather heating up, it means we will be wearing less and less clothing.

This can either make you very happy or shudder at the thought of exposing your winter body to the summer sun.

Don’t despair. You have time to start getting fit again and shed the winter blues.

I have been been going to the gym regularly during the dark cold winter nights. I never thought I would become regular gym-goer. But it is true, and I have the body to prove it.

I started going to Gold’s Gym in Kippax St, Surry Hills about seven months ago.  This was because I went to compete at International Mr Leather 2010 in Chicago.  Part of the competition involves a ‘pecs and personality’ section.

This involves standing in front of an audience in a leather jock while the judges ask you a spontaneous question. Not one to let down Sydney’s fantastic reputation, I hightailed it to the gym.

Gold’s Gym supported me on my mission to IML and no one was more surprised than I when I got back and kept up my fitness regime. Now I am doing weight training but have tried many of the other forms of fitness they offer.

Pilates with Vaughn stretches muscles you never knew existed but has given me fantastic flexibility which increases the stamina for dancing and for other favourite activities that require endurance (if you know what I mean!).

Gold’s have circuit clasess, yoga classes, ab crunch classes, mystery blitz classes and spin classes. My head is spinning trying to think of them all.

They also have a fantastic running team that trains every Saturday outdoors. They are also trialling a zumba party fitness class for those who like to shake their groove thing.

Getting fit need not be boring — and think of how good you will feel when you show off your new body in summer!

info: Visit


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