Play like it’s 1983

Play like it’s 1983

Last weekend I went back somewhere close to 1983.  I’ve chosen that date because of the John Mayer song of similar experience and I like his music even though I endure the name comparisons et cetera et cetera, plus I’m listening to it now as I type.

My sons and I played on their so-called computer last weekend.  We played the 1980s equivalent of Space Invaders.  A triangular space shuttle dodges precariously at the bottom of the TV screen shooting large rectangular missiles while large glowing diamond globs descend at an angle that will bomb you if you momentarily hesitate.

To junior and mini-junior, it’s a wave of excitement brought on by advanced skill (theirs, not mine) and bright lights on the screen.  It took me fifteen minutes and a frantic call to their mother just to set the thing up.  My question of how? was dryly met by the other half as the -˜on’ switch on the side John-¦

I had changed the batteries from all the remotes in the house and pushed the -˜restart’ button nearly inside out and occasionally removed the excitable children from the room while I stuffed around setting it up.

But once it was on, I was eight again.  (Yes, I’m a dinosaur now.. with grey hair as my kids point out.)  Junior had the first go and spent his three little zippy shuttles in a matter of moments.  Then mini-junior grabbed controls and died a fiery death in seconds.  He wouldn’t let go of Thomas so his shooting capacity was zero.

Then it was my turn.  I hungrily grabbed the panel, (my mind had already taken in the fact there is no joystick on a journey) and zoomed around the screen shooting everything.

I couldn’t give up.  When it was their turn again, I thought I fooled them into not noticing I was replaying it.

They morphed into Ninja Turtles again, jumping on me, pulling me onto the floor from my neck, trying to prise the panel from my white knuckles.

I was never into Atari or anything similar when I was a kid.  I was too busy making cinnamon tea cakes and making cone shaped bras for my cats (it’s a long story and I still need therapy for it).

So after this weekend, I think I need to improve my boys’ childhood experience with a Wii or something similar.  I certainly don’t want them making danishes and sewing-¦ just yet.

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