Queer Stories: AQuA x NGV

Queer Stories: AQuA x NGV
Image: Photo of statue: Christine Enero, edits by Tamuz Ellazam

In celebration of Pride Month, the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) and the Australian Queer Archives (AQuA) are coming together to share queer stories, art and ephemera from their respective collections. Join the NGV and AQuA teams to get inspired and learn a little more about our queer history, artists and trailblazers!

When: June 29, 2024, 11am – 1pm
NGV International, Ground Level
Tickets: Free! No booking required.
The National Gallery of Victoria is wheelchair accessible, has wheelchair accessible bathrooms, and has bookable mobility scooters (call 8620 2222 or make a booking online). For more information visit the NGV’s access page or contact the gallery by calling 8620 2222 or emailing [email protected])

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