Tom Ballard digs claws into Devine

Tom Ballard digs claws into Devine

Gay comedian and Triple J radio host Tom Ballard has posted an impassioned response to a controversial opinion editorial in the Daily Telegraph.

Ballard’s YouTube video takes conservative commentator Miranda Devine to task over comments she made in a piece about Penny Wong’s announcement that she and partner Sophie Allouache were to become parents.

“Why are so many people exhorting the rest of us to celebrate as if this were some major milestone in human civilisation?” Devine wrote at the weekend.

“The traditional heterosexual norm of a nuclear family and children is something to be kept in a closet like an embarrassment.”

No stranger to controversy, the News Limited columnist then proceeding to link the London riots to Wong’s announcement, claiming the violence was the “manifestation of a fatherless society”.

You can read Devine’s full column here.

Check out Ballard’s response below:

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4 responses to “Tom Ballard digs claws into Devine”

  1. After reading Miranda’s article, it seems to me that all the problems that she is accusing gay people of causing, are in fact (according to her own words) caused by these fatherless children. Who are fatherless because their dads have removed themselves or been removed from the picture and not because either parent is gay. The fact is, these children are the result of a failed relationship, and have been raised by single mothers. And it is insulting to say that single mothers are incapable of raising children. My best friend has a 9 year old daughter who she has raised single-handedly, and fantastically, and she will continue to do so. We should be applauding these hard working dedicated mothers instead of condemning them for their efforts. Perhaps the problems are caused by a failure on society’s behalf to address these problems before they get to this point.

  2. Reading Ms Devine’s column makes me want to vomit and she is full of bullshit. Blaming the London riots on children not having a father is fucking ludicrous and is a snub to all the hard working solo mothers bringing up decent human beings – one of Miranda Devine isn’t (decent human being that is).

    Her column is a waste of space and a waste of paper.

    News Limited – will sack the fucking witch please.