Fresh look for PLWHA

Fresh look for PLWHA

Positive People Victoria and Living Positive Victoria are some of the possible tag names being floated for People Living with HIV/AIDS Victoria.

The organisation is surveying the community about whether it should freshen up its 23-year-old image with a new tagline.

PLWHA will keep its original name but the organisation is looking for an alternative tag name that ‘rolls off the tongue’.

The survey opened on June 1 and has received a mixed response.

PLWHA executive officer Brent Allan said more than two-thirds of participants had called for a new tagline to accompany the original name.

Possible names include Victoria Positive People and Positive Life Victoria.

The survey will close on June 18.

PLWHA Victoria is the peak body for people living with HIV and provides education, information and representation.

INFO: Find the survey at

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