Gay man bashed to death

Gay man bashed to death

A former Seaford man has been found guilty of murder in Victoria’s Supreme Court today after bashing his gay housemate to death, The Age has reported.

The Age report said 29-year old Aaron James Johnstone had “lost it” and bashed Phillip Higgins with an eight-kilogram platypus statue in 2006, after a drunk and naked Higgins propositioned him.

Johnstone pleaded not guilty to murdering Higgins, however, a jury found him guilty.

The Age reported Johnstone’s barrister said although he did not dispute his client’s actions caused Higgins’ death, he did not intend to kill him.

Johnstone will face a pre-sentence hearing next Tuesday.

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3 responses to “Gay man bashed to death”

  1. for phillip to proposition him (naked) is skating on thin ice. I guess this can be a warning to other gay men not to play with fire as males get violent to protect themselves. I am Gay and wouldnt like someone to proposition me like that because I find it inappropriate! I would use verbal counselling than react like that.