Kids turn a page on marriage

Kids turn a page on marriage

US author Eric Ross has explained the concept of same-sex marriage using words and pictures in a 34-page book aimed at children aged between four and eight years old.

While children’s books on rainbow families are becoming more common, same-sex marriage isn’t touched on very often.

My Uncle’s Wedding — published this year — tells the story of a young boy named Andy as he prepares for the wedding of his two uncles.

Same-sex marriage advocates, including Marriage Equality USA national media director Molly McKay, have endorsed the book.

“The author approaches the subject of same-sex marriage with a child’s sensitivity and sensibility, and the beautiful illustrations are sure to be enjoyed by kids and parents alike,” McKay said.

US writer and director Del Shores — who worked on popular television series Queer as Folk — has also praised the book.

“Eric Ross has written a wonderful, heartwarming and important book in today’s climate — a beautiful educational tool for children — showing that all love is equal and good,” he said.

Ross wrote the book after becoming involved in the pro-same-sex marriage campaign in California following the passage of Proposition 8 in 2008 which banned same-sex marriage in the state.

He lives with his fiancé Mat and their two cats.

The book is available through Amazon.

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