Gay couple in Queensland receive letter with castration threat

Gay couple in Queensland receive letter with castration threat
Image: Photo: Facebook / Kirk Muddle.

A Sunshine Coast couple have received a series of vicious homophobic letters following the Yes win in the marriage equality postal survey.

Kirk Muddle and partner Andrew of Maroochydore received a number of handwritten threatening messages, according to the Sunshine Coast Daily.

“Remember when you and he were illegal and sent to jail! I think castrate you all!” read one letter.

“You do realise there are children and elderly in this area!” read another.

“No to gays!”

One letter conflated homosexuality with bestiality, suggesting the couple shouldn’t be allowed to have a dog.

Muddle posted the letters on Facebook, where they were shared more than a thousand times.

He said he was horrified and saddened by the hate letters.

“This is just to remind everyone the fight’s not over, and it probably never will be,” Muddle posted.

“We don’t want anything special… We just want the same rights as others and to be treated as humans.”

Friends and well-wishers posted messages of support on Facebook, with many suggesting the police ought to be involved.

“Why do people get so worked up about homosexuality?,” wrote one person.

“Imagine if they cared about the state of the environment this passionately… Something actually damaging to society.”

The couple have lived in Maroochydore for 11 years.

The Sunshine Coast district returned a strong Yes vote of 63.6 per cent in the marriage equality survey.

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One response to “Gay couple in Queensland receive letter with castration threat”

  1. Someone of high prominant stature in our community, who preferably knows Turnbull, should collect copies of these types of stories (and more from social-media posts) that oozed-out during the the ‘respectful debate’ we had to have, hand all directly to Turnbull, then get Turnbull to announce in public about the lack of respect that actually came from the ‘no’ brigade.