Protesters target New York gay weddings

Protesters target New York gay weddings

Church groups, anti-gay politicians and anti-marriage equality organisations will join forces on Sunday to protest against the first official day of legal same-sex marriage in New York.

The National Organisation for Marriage (NOM) will protest marriage equality around the state on July 24, including Manhattan, Brooklyn and The Bronx, while Democratic Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr – one of the biggest opponents to same-sex marriage in the state senate – called on “thousands” of New Yorkers to attend a protest at Governor Andrew Cuomo’s New York City office.

The rally will culminate in a march to the United Nations.

“I am not keeping quiet on this,” Diaz told New York’s Daily News. “We will continue this fight and we will struggle to get what’s right.”

In the most upsetting of all the planned protests however, is a pledge by Westboro Baptist Church to target the offices where people will actually be getting married.

In a change of tack for Fred Phelps’ notorious group – who usually picket funerals – the infamous ‘God Hates Fags’ protesters seem intent on turning their attention to gay weddings.

The group’s website has listed its plans to picket numerous city government offices where people plan to wed on Sunday, right in the faces of same-sex couples.

The post on their website reads:

“WBC will picket the reprobates of fag-infested New York state to remind them that God defined marriage as a sacred union between one man and one woman for life. That means NO fag marriage, no dyke marriage and no divorce + remarriage! For their defiance of their Lord, New Yorkers will suffer the wrath of God being poured out on them from the sky, just as others in history who have followed this path experienced.”

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35 responses to “Protesters target New York gay weddings”

  1. “…we simple heterosexuals get SICK TO OUR STOMACH AND WANT TO VOMIT when we see two guys holding hands, showing affection, or doing anything that reminds us that homosexuality exists. Call it a natural revulsion.”

    Sure sounds like a tirade to me.

  2. Voice of Common Idiot should be called Mary. She throws hissy fits like the best of them. And all that talk of cock…..

    And Mary is talking about natural sex? Like the way Dolphins get together. Scientist can clone lesbian mice and gay fruit flies, and get lesbian mice and gay fruit flies, that is natural. Homosexuality is natural, so is bi-sexuality and heterosexuality. And the animal kingdom did not need a Bible to prove who is right and wrong. You will not find gay Octopus putting up hate placards on a street corner against the heterosexual Octopus……

  3. Oh listen to the dramatics here! Give it a rest! In one short set of opinions I’ve managed to root out a woman with reading-comprehension difficulties, an idealist who hasn’t figured out that human nature is not the stuff of childrens’ books, and a lunatic who likes to make unqualified psychiatric judgments in blogs. You guys are jokes.

    My opinions and their source should be obvious. I like what I like and I’m not plugged into the idea of a unified humanity. Differences exist and they create conflict. Enough said. As for being here, I wasn’t even aware it was one of your web-sites until after I’d written the 2nd response. It appeared in a list of related articles in the Huffington Post – so much for your trolling theories.

    You asked what I was doing here. That should have also been obvious. I was making a simple observation about what these votes are and have always been about, nothing more. Some of you construed this into a tirade against homosexuals and that demonstrates you have some seriously thin skins. That’s your problem, not mine. I’m glad you’re Aussies. We have enough silly people here in the USA.

  4. It is interesting how Voice of the Common Idiot just loves comming to gay websites talking about gay sex. It clearly is on his mind.

    He now says he knows most of the hetrosexuals in the world, in America that is over a 100 million. Once again the fact he clearly does not is a failure to come to terms with reality. There is the real world, and the one he created.

    I think clearly I have to conclude Voice of Common Idiot is very much the “homo” he dislikes. He does not want to be that way, but simply cannot help thinking about gay sex. He abuses others as it is part of his pathology, to hate that part of himself he does not like, the homosexual part.

    We have all seen his kind before.

  5. @Voice of Commonsense

    If it makes you sick then why are you even visiting the website of a GLBTIQ paper. It is the sanctimonious fucking crap spewed by your vile mouths that makes US sick to our stomachs. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of asshole

  6. Voice – similar statements of “revulsion” were made about sex between blacks and whites – and of course the passing of miscegenation laws preventing marriage between the races.

  7. “…One other thing, my comment was not sleazy but a reflection of majority taste per a earlier NY Times listing of most-common male sexual fantasies…”

    So law and social policy should be determined by fantasies?
    Male heterosexual fantasies?
    Since you are predisposed to hate everything Obama, should I hazard a guess and expand that to white, male, heterosexual fantasies? Perhaps not, you’d be reducing your voting pool too much. Because let’s face it, if lesbians are voting they’re hardly going to be on your side.

  8. I certainly question the sexuality of some of the protesters. It reminds me of Fed Nile and the Terabyte of Porn downloaded for “Research Purposes”. Willie Nelson recent wrote and performed a song saying that the people who shout loudest at GLBTI people are usually queer ( ). I tend to agree. This is further backed up by some of the many studies in this area. The penis of homophobes does get harder when looking at gay porn. I guess this is what excites the passion in them – from protesting at a wedding to trolling websites looking for people like themselves, they certainly are out their literally! Some of us are against marriage for all sorts of reason, the rationality we are all drones does not match reality. We vote differently, we have different lives.Even some GLBTI people would of voted against Prop 8, while others voted for it.

    Either way, this debate does bring out the closeted homosexual in some of us as we can see.


    Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn

    The legend that is Sigmund Freud, theorized that people often have the most hateful and negative attitudes towards things they secretly crave, but feel that they shouldn’t have.

    If Freud is right, then perhaps men who are the most opposed to male homosexuality have particularly strong homosexual urges for other men.

    One study asked heterosexal men how comfortable and anxious they are around gay men. Based on these scores, they then divided these men into two groups: men that are homophobic, and men who are not. These men were then shown three, four-minute videos. One video depicted straight sex, one depicted lesbian sex and one depicted gay male sex. While this was happening, a device was attached to each participant’s penis. This device has been found to be triggered by sexual arousal, but not other types of arousal (such as nervousness, or fear – arousal often has a very different meaning in psychology than in popular usage).

    For more continue reading at:

  9. Dave, I don’t care what the Prop-8 ballot said just like the Birther Movement folks here didn’t care what Obama’s birth-certificate said. They hate his guts and would have supported ANY statement opposing him, no matter how false or far-fetched. The only fantasy here is you believing that people vote rationally. The majority vote their gut here. Take a look at your own post – comparing me to a mad man, telling me I live in a fantasy world, saying I claim to know all heterosexuals – that’s raving. I never said any of that. Because you know I oppose you and would happily have a world without you, somehow all the nonsense you wrote “feels” true to you. Your wrote your gut, not your head. Voters behave the same way.

    If you want proof what I say is true, look at the votes on the many bills opposing gays and compare it to the general opinion polls for the same region and you will find a very suspicious correspondance. Correcting your raving, I never claimed to speak for all heterosexuals, just the majority here who are by disgusted by you. I don’t even go so far as to say the majority even blame you for it. That really doesn’t matter. It is simply what is. We do not want (male) homosexuality to exist. Whether the cause is poor character, a form of insanity, or a trick of bitchy mother nature is irrelevent. The majority here are still repulsed by it regardless of the cause. It’s knee-jerk and natural. The voting on issues like gay marriage, gay adoption, or any gay “right” does not follow what voters think about the sacred nature of marriage or what-have-you. The votes go according to what people think about YOU. That’s why I called it a repeating popularity contest.

    One last thing, you obviously don’t read very much research. Within 5 minutes of googling I was able to bring up the latest studies which suggest that people who attack gays are NOT gay themselves but simply have an aversion to diversity. In other words, we like what we like and it looks a lot like ourselves.

    A few final comments:

    Mr. Editorial: While yours is an Australian web-site whose link turned up in a Huffington Post list of related articles (which is how I landed here), the article that originated these comments is about New York, USA. My comments were meant to point out the lengths to which OUR people HERE go to decorate/obfuscate an issue of flat popularity. What goes on in Australia is a different topic.

    Baz: Please look up the word “hypocrisy”. The word you were aiming for is “double-standard” and yes, there is a double-standard because men and women are fundamentally different in their sex-appeals. One other thing, my comment was not sleazy but a reflection of majority taste per a earlier NY Times listing of most-common male sexual fantasies, as compiled from their own surveys.

    Eduardo: Yes, not everybody wants to live in New York City with hundreds of ethnicities, and thousands of cultures. Some of us like who we are and prefer to live, study, work, and pray with people like ourselves. It is what it is.

  10. people always focus on teh fag and miss the little tidbits where such protestors want to get the majority too.

    The fact that they’re protesting ~Divorce~ should be the headline grabber. :D

  11. Voice of Common Idiot

    Prop 8 was about Marriage. The ballot did not say “What does voice of Common Idiot” think. In fact no Ballot did. You are living in your own little fantasy. You think all heterosexuals agree with you? If you consider your psychosis for a moment, you are proclaiming to know all heterosexuals, all of them. Our fathers, brothers, uncles, family and friends even in Australia. No you do not speak for them, only your deluded little self. You are nothing more than the ravings of a mad man.

    All the latest research says people like you, who think about gay sex, who abuse others who are like you, are gay. Just the twisted fuck sort of variety.

    So remember there is reality, and there is you, both are different.

    I will not entertain your fantasy world anymore. So goodbye, and go help.

  12. You seem to be making an argument for bigotry itself. Is that where you are going with this? Do you honestly want to live in a world where everyone conforms and plays the role your “moral majority” think is appropriate? That’s not exactly the freedom-loving American culture we learned about.

  13. Jimbo, don’t kid yourself. Enough share my sentiments to pass state constitutional ammendments in EVERY state where they’ve been put to vote. You’ve got liberal straight friends and that’s fine, but they do not represent the majority. Furthermore you did exactly what ticks us off by telling ME to change my thinking when you’re the minority. We shouldn’t have to change for you. Justice and common sense demand you change your behavior for us. Last but not least, Prop 8 was not about protecting marriage. That was just another pretext, one among many. Prop 8 and it’s like are simply repeated referenda on homosexuality itself. They are nothing more than jazzed-up popularity contests and that’s my point.

    Ed: This is an Australian website and in Australia 62 percent of the population support same-sex marriage and 75 percent believe it is inevitable.

  14. Voice Of CommonSense – I’m pretty sure the idea of your parents or your brother or sister and their partner having sex churns your stomach too. Why don’t you do with gay couples what you do with them and refrain from graphically picturing what they may or may not do in bed when you see them being affectionate?

    I have lots of straight guy friends and they don’t have nearly as much of an issue about what gay guys might do in the bedroom as you seem to.

    Maybe not everyone shares your problem.

  15. …(lesbians excluded for obvious reasons).

    Meaning what? You’re a straight guy who gets off on the idea of two women together? That’s not common sense, just sleazy hypocrisy.

  16. Voice of Common Sense gave me the best laugh ive had in a while… mate you should be on the telly…. you’re a RIOT!

  17. Obviously I don’t just represent myself or all these “no gay marriage” ammendments wouldn’t have passed and Prop 8 wouldn’t have passed. Also, I don’t think you even read what I wrote. My point is that this entire issue is being misrepresented. It’s not about marriage, gay or otherwise. It’s simply about how a lot of heteros feel when they see gay guys. Trying read what I wrote before you comment next time.

  18. Voice of Common Idiot.

    You represent yourself only, not hetrosexuals. Your are a stupid idiot who gets joy from abusing others, nothing more and nothing less.

  19. These protests aren’t about anything sacred, holy, spiritual, or revered. They aren’t even about the stated topic, that being marriage. They are all about the fact that a lot of we simple heterosexuals get SICK TO OUR STOMACH AND WANT TO VOMIT when we see two guys holding hands, showing affection, or doing anything that reminds us that homosexuality exists. Call it a natural revulsion. Call it heterosexism. Call it what you want but it’s there and it’s real and you gay guys (lesbians excluded for obvious reasons) raise our misery index every time you go out in public just as we raise yours every time we harass or otherwise discriminate against you. It’s a conflict – plain and simple – and probably eternal. One side wins, the other side whines. One’s lose is the other’s gain – zero-sum by definition.

    I personally don’t care whether or not gays can marry. It really doesn’t affect me. I just wish people would be honest enough with each other and themselves to discuss this issue for what it is. If this were so, I doubt it would generate very much debate at all.

  20. Well NOM are going to look like even bigger bigots than they already do when they’re protesting along side Fred Phelps and his cronies. Losers. When are people going the accept that marriage is not a religious institution but one sanctioned by government. Athiests can marry, non Christians can marry, it has nothing to do with their church. Their protest against same sex marriage is just thinly veiled prejudice against homosexuals, nothing more.

  21. God hates alot of straight people too. Maybe i need to start making myself some placards….

  22. And these people think us homos are “sick.” Surely there is something wrong (and quite sick) with people who constantly obsess about what other people are doing in their sex lives to the point where all they do is focus their entire energy on hating one particular group of people.

  23. I’m with the fellow above,,,, If the sign says hate,,, then the police should be carting them away…. hate nigger, hate Jews, would the city stand for that?

  24. I’m an atheist but didn’t God apparently make us all in his image? And he loves us all? If anything these protesters will feel the wrath of God and the people who are getting married won’t because they are advocating loving, respectful, worthy unions. The protesters deserve to be drawn and quartered.

  25. “Fags are worthy of death”
    vilification\hate crime…. where are the NYC police?

  26. There were over 700 Church leaders who advocated for Same-Sex Marriages in New York.

    If as we are told by them the Kingdom of Heaven is filled with God’s love, then this tiny group of fundamentalist haters would not be getting in.