Toy Soldiers training week four

Toy Soldiers training week four

It is important to keep up the 5km run/walk weekly, whilst progressing with the gym routine. This week’s progression of the gym routine will involve all the exercises given in week’s two and three set out in a circuit below.

All these should be done with no rest in between each, simply move on to the next exercise.

Start with a machine chest press using 50 percent of your body weight. Sit inside the chest press machine, making sure handles are nipple line so that range of movement is in front of chest. Do one set, until exhaustion.

Now it’s box jumps. Choose a stable bench, step or box, which is about knee height. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, in front of the box, about one foot length away. Jump with both feet onto the box making sure your whole foot, including heels land on the box, then jump back down. Using your body weight, do one set of 20 reps.

Now try assisted, machine chin-ups using 50 percent of your body weight.

Place knees on padding, hands on chin-up bars. Pull your body weight up and continue until exhaustion.

Move straight on to leg press, using 50 percent of your body weight.

Sit inside leg press with feet shoulder width apart on foot plate. Push plate, extending legs, without locking knees, bend knees so quads are parallel to foot plate, extend.

No rest, before starting the circuit again from the beginning, repeat up to four times.

with CAMPBELL BANNERMAN Personal Trainer


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