Patriotic posers and poppycock

Patriotic posers and poppycock

There are times I’m embarrassed to be Australian.
Recently, journalism hasn’t had the best rap either. The media circus pap tactics that publicly outed now former transport minister David Campbell raise a number of concerns, whatever your thoughts on the debacle. And the words ‘gay sex club’ roll off the tongues of mainstream journos with a little too much delight for my liking.
Contrast this with AFL player Jason Akermanis and his pejorative pearls of wisdom, opining that gay players should stay in the closet.
Here’s a snippet: “Imagine the publicity. It would be international news and could break the fabric of a club. It would cause discomfort in that environment should someone declare himself gay.”
He suggested players felt uneasy in shower rooms with gay men. Yes, because we have nothing better to do than perve on hetero meat-heads whipping each other with towels, right? Honestly, what’s with the egos of narcissist straight men assuming all gay men want to jump their bones? Really, fellas? I think I’ll pass, thanks.
Perhaps the ‘fabric’ of a game which involves kicking a ball around a field is more important than human rights. Perhaps I should have more respect for these bastions of Aussie blokedom. Lest I seem ‘un-Australian’. What does that even mean? Trite, bollocky, vacuous buzzword that it is.
And what message is being sent to GLBTI youth by these posturing media muppets?
I think we just took a quantum leap back to the 1950s. Yes, thanks for reminding queer youth we’re still considered second-class citizens in this country.
I’m sorry, but what does this nation have to be so patriotic about? Its treatment of Indigenous people? Its position on equality? Pauline Hanson?
You know what? During International Week Against Homophobia, I think I’m a bit embarrassed to be Australian. Aah well, damn sight better than living in Malawi, I guess.

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4 responses to “Patriotic posers and poppycock”

  1. Agreed Wil – modern history knowledge notwithstanding, the only ‘achievements’ I could find with a basic web search were all sports related. Unless we’re proud of war, that is.

    Thanks for the comments.

  2. what planet are u living on simon………pauline hanson is pitiful……the only thing australia has is sport but we are a young country……and it is a beautiful place to live

  3. Hmmmm….. true what cultural or historical achievements does this country really have to be proud of??

  4. I know right ! Straight men believing we want to do them. Aka yuck ! Be thankful to live in this lucky country and get over what happened hundreds of years ago with aboriginal people ! One nation like pauline hanson says ! Be proud to be aussies !