The dating game

The dating game

As many of you know, I have thrown myself into dating. I have met some very nice boys, but there is a common thread that seems to be floating to the surface. Internal homophobia is huge in our community.

I’m sure we all have our sexual preferences. Its only human when we see something we like, all the bells and whistles go off. But should you consider their personality.

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some hot boys, and there are times where they’ve opened their mouths and become instantly unattractive. Does everyone get an equal chance?

Those who seem to get hit hardest are Asian gay boys. ‘NO GAMS’ or ‘NO RICE’ is a common profile inclusion. Is there a reason why it has to be stated?  Its dreadful;, demeaning and unecessary. A simple no thanks shoudl suffice.

‘NO FATS’ or ‘NO FEMS’ is also common, as is ‘STRAIGHT ACTING’, which actually makes me laugh. Please!

Shouldn’t you just act like yourself? I’m me; I have shaved head and tattoos, but I squeal when I’m scared or when  I hear a good song. Does that mean I’m gay acting?

But it is on the actual date the real colours tend to shine through. People love to hate: they hat Oxford St; they hate the scene; they hate drag queens; they hate .. hate … hate …

What happened to all the love?

These things have been said to me on quitea  few dates now – and I still don’t understand it.

Most of the time I don’t let on what I do for a living (10 years full-time, it’s a living). I like to let them get to know me first, not judge me on my job. It seems that many boys have been programmed to hate drag queens, yet they are friends with most showgirls on the strip and always have a laugh when with them. But when asked, they pull out the ‘Don’t like them’ from stock file.

Is there too much hate in our own community? I understand we cant love everyone but how hard is it to give others a little respect? My grandmother used to say, “treat those how you wish to be treated”, even if they have black teeth.She was a social worker.

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