Vatican’s spiritual FAIL

Vatican’s spiritual FAIL

There’s nothing more infuriating than the fuckwittery of religious radicals — whether it’s my born-again ‘frienemy’, Mormons hijacking us in the street, or the latest diatribe spewing out of the Vatican.
When the Pope’s right-hand-man, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, touted that homosexuality — not clerical celibacy — was responsible for sex crimes within the Catholic clergy, this vile, ignorant slur was met with a big fat FAIL around the world. As someone quipped recently: “Blame the Jews and the gays, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, Germany 1933”.
Typical of misguided religious fanatics. Always shifting blame to deflect scrutiny. Then there’s the hypocrisy, the deception, the judgmental ignorance. The damage to humanity, in spite of everything they’re supposed to stand for. What happened to loving thy neighbour? You want salvation? Here’s a tip — try being a decent person.
This latest BS is not only morally bankrupt, it’s factually flawed. And divisive. Pedophilia has nothing to do with sexual orientation. If anything, child abusers are more likely to be married men without preference for the gender of their victims. It’s a psychosexual disorder.
And what message is the glassy-eyed cardinal sending queer youth? This claptrap is bound to filter down into churches and communities, further alienating GLBTI kids.
Surely the priority here is prosecuting the perps, not spruiking more homophobic hoopla. Some clergy may be closeted gay men, but to claim homosexuality is responsible for their crimes is as naff as suggesting pedophilia is linked to heterosexuality, global warming, or the price of sardines.
I don’t think Jesus would have been down with that.
Babble away, bigots. I don’t have an issue with my sexuality. You do. The cardinal may be an ill-informed fossil, but fools in positions of power are dangerous. More than your average God-botherer. My born-again frienemy might have people duped that they’ve seen the light. And if others are blinded by the duplicity, I guess I’m the only real victim for now.
Maniacal, religious bigots with a public voice, however — now they’re the real worry.

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6 responses to “Vatican’s spiritual FAIL”

  1. LOL, agreed Jess. If you’ve ever been to The Vatican Museum, the vulgar display of wealth alone is staggering. And that’s just what they want us to see. Could be put to much better use by going to sex abuse victims of the Catholic clergy, and impoverished countries, as you say.

    It’s what Jesus would do :P

    Cheers for the comments xxd

  2. That does not sound like such a bad idea Jess. I am so sick and tired of uneducated retards linking homosexuality to paedophilia as it is a claim completely unfounded by research and I have even heard gay bashers yelling “pedo fags” at completely innocent gays out for a quiet drink ! Damian I would be interested to see you do a follow through article on this as I have had a gut full of this urban myth !

  3. Oh dear babe thang,,,, your indignation is ever so sweet and amusing,,,, in a good way,,,, On this I must concur XOX

  4. Lock the mongrels up for crimes against humanity and throw away the key!! Then re distribute the blood stained millions to the victims and impoverished countries…. Amen!!

  5. evil nazi catholics doing what they do best……they deserve all the bad press they get !

  6. Here here!! We need to be careful not to dismiss right wing fundamentalists as ignorant because even tho we know this, people in public positions of power are hazardous, as the article says. We should be mindful not to tar all Catholics with the same brush tho. I agree this Pope and his pedo posse should be held accountable and charged for their crimes however they do not represent all Catholics. A good point about the message being sent to gay and lesbian youth too