Mitcham ordered home

Mitcham ordered home

Out Olympic gold medalist Matthew Mitcham has been ordered to return to Australia from Mexico where he has been competing in a diving championship, over concerns about swine flu.

Swine flu, which has been elevated to epidemic status in parts of Mexico and the United States, has virtually closed down Mexico City, where Mitcham and Australian teammate Alexandra Croak were competing last week.

But Mitcham told journalists at the Advocate he’s more concerned about being in closed quarters with people who might have been infected on a long flight.

“I am more concerned boarding a plane than I am staying here,” he said, adding that the New South Wales Institute of Sport was investigating departure flights for him which avoided Mexico City, where many fatalities have occurred.

Mitcham and Croak have spent the last week at a training camp in the small coastal town of Veracruz.

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