Fundraiser For Linzi Kurileff Demonstrates Community Spirit

Fundraiser For Linzi Kurileff Demonstrates Community Spirit

A fundraiser that was started for a pillar of the LGBTQI community who is suffering a life changing medical emergency has got off to a cracking start with double the initial goal amount raised in the first few days.

Linzi Kurileff has worked tirelessly in the LGBTQI community, especially in Melbourne, as a BENT TV legend and manager of Melbourne lesbian bar The Glasshouse.

Linzi now finds herself alone in hospital in Melbourne in the middle of the COVID-19 crises, which obviously has meant zero visitors during this frightening and challenging time. That’s 10 days of alone time at a moment in someone’s life when they need their friends and family’s close support, a drought that will thankfully end this week with the easing of restrictions in Melbourne.

When asked what compelled them to start the fundraising campaign, Ali Hogg, who started the mycause fundraiser on Saturday with her friend Jessi said, “Everybody is going through a tough time, and many people are feeling isolated but when you know someone who has done so much for our community finds themselves in hospital and not being allowed their friends to come in for physical support, it’s a real sad state of affairs. Just flowers and chocolates don’t cut it in this circumstance. Jessie and I thought it would be a good opportunity for community to give back. Linzi has been a staple part of the LGBTQI community for so long and has made us laugh for decades. It’s our turn to give back. It’s not just about the money either. It’s a groundswell of love, which will hopefully bring some light in these dark times.”

 Serena Ryan, a close friend of Linzi agreed.

“I think Ali is totally right here, it’s more than setting up a campaign and generating funds. It’s a doff of the hat to our elder who has always supported so many people in our community. For those of us blessed to know Linzi she is a constant source of support, wisdom and laughter. She never asks for anything in return – she simply offers her heart to those in need. It’s our privilege to know her and it’s certainly our moment to rally and support her through this major transition.”

Due to a very complicated and unexpected medical emergency, Linzi has been in hospital and faces a recovery that will take a huge amount of adjustment and mental fortitude. As Linzi’s friends have pointed out, even though the financial assistance will surely be appreciated, it’s the gesture and outpouring of love and community support that Linzi needs right now. With the strong response to the campaign showing that the community is ready to stand behind its own when needed.

When Linzi was made aware of the fundraiser that had been started in her honour she said,
“This has really humbled me. Thankyou so much for even remembering me from this fabulous community days of old. Thanx again Puddings, nice to be remembered, and when that is paired with generosity, I am one lucky girl indeed. Cheers Puddings!”

If Linzi has touched your life somehow and you’d like to contribute to her fundraising campaign, please do so here.

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