More than 200 incidents of hate speech recorded during postal survey process
Hundreds of incidents of homophobic hate speech were recorded in Australia during the marriage equality survey period.
The LGBTI Legal Service collected over 220 examples of hate speech during the survey, Gay Times has reported.
While polls over the last few years have shown most Australians support marriage equality, and recent polls predict a strong win for the Yes vote, the debate stirred up homophobic and transphobic sentiment from some.
“Unfortunately, throughout the marriage law postal survey it has been virtually impossible for anyone who identifies as queer to avoid exposure to views which condemn who they are as a person,” said Matilda Alexander, president of the LGBTI Legal Service.
“The postal survey has opened the door to homophobia and vilification being expressed under the guise of legitimate debate.
“Instead of a legitimate debate, the LGBTI community has had to put up with weeks of destructive commentary which only takes society backwards on the progress which has led to broader acceptance of LGBTI people in the last 30 years.”
As well as receiving submissions of hate speech from the community, the LGBTI Legal Service monitored news, social media and public spaces during the survey.
The homophobic and transphobic incidents ranged from bigoted social media posts to vandalism and anti-LGBTI posters put up by neo-Nazi groups.
The marriage equality survey closed on Tuesday, with results to be announced next week on November 15.
If you need support in the wake of the marriage survey, you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or beyondblue on 1300 224 636.
Pride and prejudice with some in australia, a minority of people with hatred I reckon. Tony Abbott is a catholic dildo…? living in prehistoric ideology…not 2017 when it cums to SSM.
I can’t help but be amused how Australian nazis are too stupid to be able to draw a swastika correctly. It’s supposed to be diagonal lines, not horizontal and vertical. But that would be too tricky for these imbeciles, that would be grade 2 level drawing and these cretins failed kindergarten.