Lapsed Catholics video takes aim at Australian Christian Lobby

Lapsed Catholics video takes aim at Australian Christian Lobby

AUSSIE comedian Dan Ilić has followed up on a promise he made at an LGBTI community meeting to create a light-hearted comeback to the recent attacks on Safe Schools and marriage equality by the Australian Christian Lobby.

Ilić vowed to create a Australian Lapsed Catholics Lobby and last night premiered its first video on SBS 2’s The Feed program.

“Watching the marriage equality debate dribble out like some sort of pre-historic diarrhoea competition, I couldn’t help but notice the Australian Christian Lobby is speaking out on behalf of Christians everywhere,” he says in the video.

“But there is one group the ACL doesn’t represent and that is Australia’s lapsed Catholics.”

Other lapsed Catholics in the video say that the ACL believe gay people getting married is not normal but “some people think getting up early on a Sunday morning and chanting Arabic texts and drink the blood of a tradie who died 2000 years ago isn’t normal either — but not that there’s anything wrong with that”.

Ilić told Star Observer he got the idea for the Lapsed Catholics Lobby while watching the ABC’s Q&A when the ACL’s Lyle Shelton was on and realised Shelton didn’t represent his own views as a Christian. He then tweeted an ideas to start the Lapsed Catholics group which was a hit online.

“I think I struck a nerve, I thought we should make a sketch and try to start a movement. As a comedian I thought I should do something funny, because starting movement is a lot of work,” he said.

“I haven’t shown my mum yet and I’m sure she’ll disapprove. But it’s been nice to see the reaction (to the video) online.”

Watch the video here:

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3 responses to “Lapsed Catholics video takes aim at Australian Christian Lobby”

  1. Does the GLRL still exist? We need our own LGBTI Lobby group to still run for ourselves! We still need to fight for our own rights on marriage equality, abolishing the outdated religious exemptions on anti-discrimination and adoption laws and to outlaw conversion therapy on minors! The ACL are a hate group, who are ready for a unjustifiably taxpayer wasting referendum that is costing $250 million – based on hate and bigotry on LGBTI people and couples!

  2. The ACL should be stripped of their tax-exemption status immediately! A bigot hate group should not under any reason, be given tax payer money! It is a fucking outrage! Proud to be an atheist gay man!